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How to create Surveys

In this article, we'll cover how to create surveys on Volunteero for your volunteers and clients.

Jennifer Mars avatar
Written by Jennifer Mars
Updated over 8 months ago


Get even more insights on your volunteers, clients and other stakeholders by creating Surveys on Volunteero. Our survey feature enables you to create campaigns to send out to your audience and get detailed insights on their experience, opinion / feedback.

How to create a survey

To create a new survey on Volunteero please go to your surveys dashboard and click '+ Survey', give your survey a title and description and click 'Start Survey Creation'. This will open up your new survey. Now you can start adding your questions. You can add questions in your question bank and drag & drop them into your survey or you can simply just create a question and add it. The questions you add to your question bank can be used in any other surveys now as well.

You can create multiple pages for your survey. To add a page please press '+ Page' at the bottom right. You can give each page of your survey a different title as well.

Questions Types

In your survey you can use a range of different questions types so you can capture all of the information from your volunteers and clients that you need. You can choose from the following question types:

How to set up a campaign and share your survey

Now you have created a survey, you can start sending this out to your audience. In order to share your survey, you need to create a campaign. Go to the campaign dashboard and click '+ Campaign'

First select which survey you want to attach to this campaign. Then name the campaign. This is very handy when you want to do the same survey every year or quarter. Or if you want to compare 2 different volunteering groups.

After that, please select the email address you want to get notified for a submission.

Then lastly you need to select a few toggles:

  • Active Campaign

Click on active campaign if you are ready to start accepting submissions

  • Require sign-in

Do you want only volunteers with a volunteer app account to be able to submit a survey or do you want anyone to be able to complete it? You can decided that here and you can also decided how many times a volunteer can have per account.

  • Anonymise responses

If you select that you want anonymise your response, you need to wait untill you have at least 5 responses before you can see the survey results.

When you have review your campaign please press 'Create Campaign'.

So you have now created a campaign and are ready to share your survey! Click on the share button on your campaign.

This will generate a link and QR code for you.

When the QR code is scanned or the link is clicked, participants will be brought to your survey. If they have the app downloaded it will open the app and they can complete the survey there. If they don't have the app downloaded it will open on their web browser.

*Tip* We recommend downloading your QR so that you can capture responses to your survey at sessions, training or other events.

View your results

To view your results, click on your campaign and all of your questions and responses will show up in a range of different graphs depending on the question type used. If you haven't anonymised the survey you can filter the responses by respondents.

You can export results per questions by clicking on the button below.

NB. If you have anonymised your survey, you need to wait until you have at least 5 responses before you can see the survey results.

Enable Exit Surveys

When you deactivate your volunteer's account and take off app access on their Volunteer Profile, you can send out an exit survey. To do this make sure you have created a exit survey and exit campaign, this will enable you to collate your reponses. Then go to the profile you want to deactivate, go to the app access tab and click on 'remove access', now the following information will pop up:

Select the survey you want the volunteer to complete and confirm the deactivation. The volunteer will now receive the following email with a link to that survey.

Video Tutorial

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