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Become an Ambassador Waalaxy

You can become a Waalaxy Ambassador, find out all you need to know about it.

Updated over a week ago

What is affiliation?

In e-marketing language, affiliation on the Internet allows an advertiser web site to promote its products or services by offering remuneration to other publisher web sites in exchange for sales, registrations or traffic.

On Waalaxy, you promote the tool to your community, customers, friends, colleagues via an affiliate link, and in exchange, we reward you with commissions.

Who is the affiliate marketing for?

Legal Framework

✅ Who is eligible to be an Ambassador:

  • European companies (including agencies),

  • Companies outside Europe.

  • Freelancers, Auto-entrepreneurs.

  • Individuals outside Europe.

  • European Individuals.

❌ Who is not allowed to be an Ambassador:

  • Others.

Typology of clients

There are two typologies of Ambassadors:

  • Those who integrate Waalaxy in their current business.

  • Those whose sole purpose is to generate revenue.

In the first case, you are already involved in supporting the sales strategy of your customers, agencies, companies or others, and you want to implement Waalaxy as a prospecting tool in this process, while earning a commission on the generated sales.

In the second case, you want to generate additional and recurrent income through Waalaxy, either through existing channels (Youtube channel, Tiktok account, newsletter, blog...) or through other channels (Facebook Ads, prospecting...).

How to register as an Ambassador?


You can register on our dedicated Ambassador platform.

  • Insert your email, a password and select your Country of residence.

⚠️ We work with Stripe as a payment tool, we only support countries supported by Stripe.

  • Choose the option you prefer:

-30% commission for you, and 2 months free trial for your affiliates.

-30% off commission for you, plus 15 days trial to your affiliates with a 20% discount code on our subscriptions.

-50% off commission for you, and no benefits for your affiliates.

When you finish signing up, you will be redirected to Stripe to create your billing account.

Once you have completed this part, you will be taken to your personal Ambassador interface.


Where can I find my affiliate link?

You can find your affiliate link in "Share my affiliate link". 👇


You will also find a dashboard with your number of affiliates, paying affiliates, payments received, next payment, and total payment. A section dedicated to your affiliates is available below. 👇


Inserting your affiliate link into another link

We have set up a system that allows you to shorten links directly from the affiliate interface and thus place your different affiliate keys.

Why did we do this? For two reasons that I will detail here:

  • You want to share an article that talks about Waalaxy or Linkedin prospecting and links to our site, but you don't want to put an affiliate key in the article. By creating a shortcut, you are sure that anyone who signs up with us after consuming this content will be considered one of your affiliates.

  • You organize a webinar on Waalaxy or Linkedin prospecting, when you present the tool, many people will not go through your affiliate link. By inserting an affiliate key in the webinar registration link, you put your key in before the webinar even starts.

How do you do this?

You will need to copy the link you want to use into the "Generate Affiliate Link" box from "Manage My Links" on your Ambassador platform.


How to sell Waalaxy and how can I sell it according to the type of customers I have?

We have written a guide that gives you keys and tips to successfully sell Waalaxy, according to the typology of customers you are looking to target.

It's up to you now! 🏁

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