Quick Buy Items
Updated over a week ago

Add Quick Buy Items

Once you have entered all of your retail products, you can choose up to five retail items to sell through the Quick Buy feature on the class check-in screen.

  1. Go to Locations from main menu navigation

  2. Select your location

  3. Select the Services, Amenities & Retail tab

  4. Under Quick Buy, choose the edit button

  5. Select the products from your retail list

  6. Click Save

Now you are ready to sell your most popular retail items on the fly!

Sell Quick Buy Items

  1. From the Main Navigation menu select Schedule

  2. Select a class on the schedule

  3. Choose the three dots next to a client on the roster

  4. Select Quick Buy

  5. Add an item to the ticket

  6. Choose a payment method

  7. Select Buy

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