Push Notifications
Updated over a week ago

Create a Push Notification

  1. From the Main Navigation menu under Marketing Center, select Push Notifications

  2. Select Create / Edit a Push

  3. Enter a Title and the Push notification Message

  4. Select None, Custom URL, WebView, or In App Link

  5. Choose Configure and set up your push notification settings

  6. Select the push notification audience to either Everyone or choose Filter Audience to send the push to Clients whose last visit is within a certain date range

  7. Review your push notification, then select Save as Draft, Send now, or Schedule the push notification on a future date.

βœ‹ Push notification status will read Scheduled for about three minutes before push sends. After the push notification sends the status will read as Sent.

Link/ Destination Types

​None: The push notification does not direct the client to a specific place

Custom URL: Enter in a custom URL. Set a Link Destination by copying and pasting a URL into the field.

​​WebView: Choose to link out to a Gift Card or Enrollment. Web view allows you to route clients to either your Gift Card or Enrollment widget.

​​In App Link: Choose to link out to a specific Class, Schedule, Plan, or an Announcement within the Walla app by selecting Type.

  • Class: Choose a location, date, and class.

  • Schedule: Choose a location and date.

  • Plan: Select a plan to link out to.

  • Announcement: Choose an already created Walla App announcement to link out to.

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