Walla App Announcements πŸ“’
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to use the announcement section of your Walla app! Using announcements will enhance the client's overall experience by making sure they know what is going on in your studio. It's the perfect place to promote all your events, new classes, new teachers, and more!

Below is an example of using the Announcements page to promote an enrollment straight to the front page.

Please note in this example the user will be linked to their browser to complete their booking, leveraging the original benefits of seamless communication and streamlined enrollment processes.

  1. From the Main Navigation menu under Marketing Center, select App Announcements

  2. Select + Create an Announcement

  3. Complete the fields under the Add/Edit an Announcement page:
    ​Announcement title: What clients will see at the top of the announcement tile.
    ​Author: Select a staff member's name to display as the author. Or, leave the drop-down blank to display your business name.
    ​Publish date: Date your announcement will be published in the app.
    ​Expiration date: Date your announcement will be removed from the app. Create app announcements here, then schedule them for a later date. You can always extend the expiration date later.
    ​Image: Image that displays on your announcement tile.Note: An image is not required but is highly suggested to make your announcement eye-catching!
    ​Short description: One sentence description located below the announcement photo.
    ​Body: Text body appears after tapping Read More on the main announcement tile. This are the announcement details!
    ​Button text: Your clients call to action. Make this pop..make this compelling..you really want your clients to take action from this!
    ​Link/ Destination Options
    ​In App Link
    ​Schedule: Select a specific day on the schedule you'd like your client to be taken to
    ​Class: Select a specific class on the schedule you'd like your clients to be taken to
    ​Plan: Select a plan you'd like your clients to be taken to
    ​Custom URL: Direct clients to a specific URL

  4. Select Review to review your Announcement, then select Save

Your announcement can now be found under Active App Announcements. You can select the Edit icon to edit your announcement at any time.

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