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How to check what version of the Walla App you have?
How to check what version of the Walla App you have?
Updated over a week ago

Knowing what version of the Walla App you are on is absolutely essential when troubleshooting Walla App issues. Here, we explain how to find what app version you are on when logged in to the Walla App and we include details on how to find your app version if you are unable to log in.

Within the App

To find your Walla App version when you are logged into the app, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Walla App

  2. Select Account

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the menu

  4. The app version will follow the letter v

Find your Walla App version if you are not logged in to the Walla App


To check what version of the Walla App you have:

  1. Select the Settings App on your phone

  2. Choose General

  3. Select iPhone Storage (It may take a few moments for the iPhone Storage page to load)

  4. Scroll down and find the Walla App

  5. Select the Walla App icon

  6. Under 'Walla App", the second line will note the app version


  1. Select and hold the Walla App on your homepage to bring up a menu of options

  2. Select App Info for Walla

  3. Open Storage Usage

  4. The Walla App version appears just below the Walla App icon

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