Manage Products
Updated over a week ago

From water bottles to yoga mats, palo santo to Lululemon, and everything in between, Walla makes it easy to enter, track, and manage your studio retail products. Learn how to add new products, update existing ones, manage product tax rates, transfer items between locations, and utilize the activity log for your studio's inventory management system.

Things to Know

  • Products are currently sold in studio only and are not available for purchase on the widgets or any online storefront.

Products Page Overview

In this section of the Product page, you can perform various actions such as editing, duplicating, archiving, and deleting products. The columns listed alongside a photo of the product provide important details:

Item: Name of the product.

Category: Accessories, Clothing, Food & Drink, Equipment, and Rentals.

Color: The color variant of the product

Size: The size variant of the product

On Hand: The current quantity of the product available in inventory. This quantity is adjusted when using the Adjust Location Inventory feature.

Status: Active or inactive

Add a New Product

To add a new product to your studio follow these steps:

  1. Select Store from the main navigation menu.

  2. Choose Products.

  3. Choose + Add New Product button from the Manage Products page.

  4. Enter information under the Product Overview section:
    ​Name: The name of the product that is visible at checkout.
    ​Description (optional): The description field only displays here and is not visible anywhere else within Walla.
    ​Category: The category assigned that is used in reporting and is associated with product tax.
    ​Supplier/Vendor: Wholesalers or manufacturers who provide you with the products you sell to customers.

  5. Enter the Product Attributes, such as color and size.

  6. Enter a barcode that will help you easily identify products and streamline inventory counts. Currently Walla does not have a barcode reader for inventory scanning. Barcodes are for manual tracking only.

  7. Add what you paid for the product and the wholesale price under Product Price.

  8. Add a Product Photo (optional).

  9. Under Client Visibility and Tracking, leave "Make active and available immediately" selected to start selling the product immediately. Unselecting this box removes the product as an option to purchase by staff. As we mentioned earlier, it is important to note there is not a retail widget or online store.


  10. Check if you want to Track Inventory for the item. This will expand additional inventory management fields.

If you wish to add a new variant of an item without having to re-add the entire item, you may also duplicate an existing item by selecting its Dot Menu at the right of its profile in the Product Menu, and selecting Duplicate. You may then edit the item to be a new variant if desired.

Update a Product

To update product details, follow these steps:

  1. Select Store from the main navigation menu.

  2. Choose Products.

  3. Click the Dot Menu at the right side of the desired product.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. Make adjustments as needed and save.

Manage Product Tax Rates

  1. From the navigation menu select Locations.

  2. Select a location and choose the section titled Services, Amenities, and Retail.

  3. Scroll down to the section titled Tax Rates

  4. Choose Edit.

  5. Select a category from the drop-down

  6. Enter in the new tax rate for the category

  7. Choose Save.

Next, apply the new tax rate category to a specific product:

  1. From the navigation menu select Store

  2. Choose Products.

  3. Select the three dots on the far right of the product

  4. Choose Edit.

  5. When Product is taxable is selected, the associated retail Category tax will be applied.

Inventory Management

Easily modify on-hand quantities with the "Adjust Inventory" function. Use the "Transfer From Another Location" to transfer inventory between different business locations.

Adjust Location Inventory

To manage inventory levels of a given product, follow these steps. It is important to note that after selecting Save the inventory change can not be edited or deleted. To change the on-hand amount adjust the inventory level for the product by creating a new entry.



  1. Select Store from the main navigation menu.

  2. Choose Products.

  3. Click the Dot Menu at the right side of the desired product.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. Scroll to Location Inventory, and select Manage Inventory.

  6. Select Adjust Inventory

  7. Choose a Location

  8. From the Adjustment Type drop-down choose Reduce items, Add items, or Count items

  9. Enter the quantity to adjust to increase or decrease the Quantity Available

  10. Select Save

Reduce items

If an item is missing or damaged and needs to be recorded as a loss or if you comped or donated an item, you can account for this by selecting Reduce items and enter the number of items you want to account for. The Quantity Available will be reduced by this amount.

Add items

Select Add Items increase the quantity available. Let’s say you currently have 15 LalaLime leggings in stock and receive an additional 5, you would select "Add items" to increase the available quantity to 20.

Count inventory

Count inventory will replace the current Quantity Available with the quantity manually entered. If you count 20 units of a particular item on hand, inputting this quantity will update the system to reflect the new inventory count, 20.

Transfer From Another Location

Transferring inventory from one location to another location will increase the Quantity Available for the To Location and will decrease the Quantity Available for the From Location that particular product.



  1. Select Store from the main navigation menu.

  2. Choose Products.

  3. Click the Dot Menu at the right side of the desired product.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. Scroll to Location Inventory, and select Manage Inventory.

  6. Select Transfer from another location

  7. Choose the From Location and the To Location

  8. Enter the quantity to be transferred

  9. Enter a reason for the transfer

  10. Select Adjust items

Activity Log

Use the section to have a clear and organized record of inventory movement.
Inventory adjustments are recorded under the Activity Log. Once inventory has been logged the entry can not be edited.

​Date: The date when the inventory adjustment or transaction occurred.

Type: The type of adjustment, such as reducing items, adding items, or transferring items.

Qty: The quantity of items involved in the adjustment.

Location: The specific location where the inventory adjustment took place.

Reason: The explanation entered when the inventory adjustment was made.

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