Enrollment Payment Plans and Deposits
Updated over a week ago

Need to set up a custom payment plan or does your enrollment require a deposit? Creating and managing your enrollment payment options has never been easier!

Things to Know:

  • When an enrollment has a payment plan, the instructor pay will always appear in full on the first of the enrollment, even if clients are on payment plans that continue through and after the enrollment.

Payment Plan and Deposit Basics

Enrollment payment plans and deposits are initially entered in the enrollment creation process after the enrollment is added to a location. Payment plans and deposits can be edited anytime under Enrollment Details.

To edit a payment plan or deposit for your enrollment:

  1. Under Manage Services & Plans select Enrollments

  2. Select Go next to the enrollment location you want to edit

  3. Select Payment then choose the Edit icon next to Payment Information

Run all billing as scheduled: All payments based on the schedule above.
Ignores start and end dates of enrollment. Enrollment may be paid in full before, during, or after the enrollment takes place.

First day of enrollment: End active plans and bill any remaining money due on first day of enrollment.
Enrollment will be paid in full on the first day of enrollment if the payment plan goes the over the enrollment's start date.

Last day of enrollment: End active plans and bill any remaining money due on last day of enrollment.
Enrollment will be paid in full on the last day of the enrollment if the payment plan goes over the enrollment's end date.

When purchased in-studio, Front Desk can change date first payment is collected. The default start date is the current day.

If enrollment has a deposit the deposit will be charged immediately.

When a payment plan is purchased via the Enrollment Widget, the first payment will not be charged immediately. The payment plan will start one month after the client enrolls via the Enrollment Widget

The card used will be saved for charges made by the recurring payment plan.

Payment Plan End Dates

Run All Billing As Scheduled

The payment plan schedule ignores enrollment start and end dates. Payment plan can end before, during, or after the enrollment takes place.

Example enrollment payment plan schedule for $1,000 enrollment paid in 4 weekly payments:

First Day of Enrollment

The total cost of the enrollment is divided evenly and is paid off before the start of the enrollment. Clients who sign up closer to the enrollment start date may have a final payment that is more than their recurring payments depending on the payment plan’s recurring schedule and the number of payments required.

Example enrollment payment plan schedule for $1,000 enrollment paid in 4 weekly payments. Client will be charged $750 on the first day of the enrollment:

Last Day of Enrollment

The total cost of the enrollment is divided evenly and is paid off before or on the end date of the enrollment, allowing clients to make payments while the enrollment takes place.

Example enrollment payment plan schedule for $1,000 enrollment paid in four weekly payments. Client will be charged $250 on the last day of the enrollment:

Enrollment Widget

If the payment frequency is set to monthly or weekly the first payment will always be charged one month after the client registers for the enrollment. If the enrollment has a deposit, the deposit will be charged immediately.

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