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Pausing Enrollment Payment Plans
Updated over a week ago

Currently enrollment payment plans can only be paused by removing the client from the enrollment completely then re-enrolling the client. When removing the client you will choose to not refund any prior payments. When re-enrolling, you will change the amount of the enrollment and if necessary the payment plan terms. Keep in mind this will affect payroll if your instructor pay rate is percentage based.

The option for a payment plan will not appear as an option once the enrollment has started. If your client wants to pause then resume their plan after the enrollment has started you may need to create a separate enrollment to fit their payment needs.

First, you will need to remove the client from the enrollment:

  1. From the Enrollment Schedule select View Roster

  2. Select the three dots to the far right of the client's name

  3. Choose Remove Client

  4. Check the box No Refund

  5. Note the balance due at the top of the pop-up

  6. Select Remove Client

When the client is ready to begin payments you will need to adjust the enrollment price and the number of payments remaining under enrollment settings. Temporarily changing the price to set up the client with the new enrollment payment will not affect any previously purchased payments. If clients can sign up for your enrollment online, we suggest unchecking sell online from under the enrollment while setting the client up with the new payment schedule.

  1. Select Enrollments from under Manage Services and Plans

  2. Select the enrollment and choose the Pricing Tab

  3. Choose the Edit pencil

  4. Change the non-member/ member price for your enrollment to the amount due and save

  5. Select the Payment Tab and choose Edit

  6. Change the payment frequency to the number of payments remaining
    For example, if the client had two weekly payments remaining, change the payment frequency to two. When you add the client back to the enrollment you will have the option to choose when the client's first payment is.

  7. After you change the payment frequency and remove the deposit if the client already paid the deposit, select save

  8. Select Buy and choose enrollment

  9. Search the client's name and choose the enrollment

  10. Choose Payment Plan and select continue

  11. Choose the client's first installment date then complete the sale

Finally, you want to make sure you change back the enrollment pricing to the enrollment's original pricing

  1. Select Enrollments from under Manage Services and Plans

  2. Select the enrollment and choose the Pricing Tab

  3. Choose the Edit pencil

  4. Change the non-member/ member price back to the original payment amount due and save

  5. Select the Payment Tab and choose Edit

  6. Change the payment frequency back to the original number of payments remaining and add back the deposit

  7. Choose Save

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