Failed Plan Payments and Retries
Updated over a week ago

This article explains how failed payments are managed for recurring plans and important things to know about failed plan payments in Walla.

Walla will retry a failed payment for a recurring plan a total of five times before canceling the plan. A balance in the amount of the last payment is then added as an amount owed under the client's account balance.

Retrying a Failed Payment & Failed payment Description

To retry a failed payment, click the three dots to the right of the plan in the client Overview page, then click Retry Payment.

In the Retry Payment window, you have the option to select a new card and Save. You also have an option to apply the new payment method to the future payments.

Additional Failed payment reasons can be surfaced in the client's Plan Details page as well as Transactions tab.

To view the failed payment reason from the client's Transactions tab:

  1. From the client profile select Transactions

  2. Select the three dots to the far right of a transaction

  3. Choose View Detail

To view the failed payment reason from the client's plan:

  1. From the client profile select the Overview tab

  2. Select the three dots on the top right of the plan tile

  3. Choose View Details

  4. The failed payment reason will be on the left-hand side

Failed Payment Retry Schedule

The days that are determined are dependent on the billing cycle length. The days within a billing cycle are divided by quarters to determine the next three retries. The last retry is done on the day of the next billing cycle. If this last one fails, then the plan is canceled and the amount of the failed payment is transferred to an account balance.

Example: One Week Billing Cycle - 7 Days

1st retry: 2nd day of billing cycle
​2nd retry: 4th day of billing cycle
​3rd retry: 6th day of billing cycle
​Last retry: 7th day of billing cycle - If this fails, then the plan is canceled

Example: One Month Cycle Interval - 30 Days

1st retry: 7th day of billing cycle
​2nd retry: 14th day of billing cycle
​3rd retry: 21st day of billing cycle
​Last retry: 30th day of the billing cycle

Example: Twelve Month Billing Cycle

This is a special scenario. If the billing cycle is larger than one month, then the one month billing cycle rules are followed.

Client Booking Privileges When Plan Is In a Failed State

Client booking privileges are temporarily removed when a client's plan fails. A client's membership status remains until the plan is canceled. In other words, the client will receive the membership discount if their plan is in a failed state. Any bookings made prior to the failed payment remain unless canceled.

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