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Troubleshooting Checklist: My Client Can Not Use Their Plan To Book a Class
Troubleshooting Checklist: My Client Can Not Use Their Plan To Book a Class

Use these checklists to quickly identify and resolve client booking issues

Updated over a week ago

When a client is unable to book classes as expected, it's important to consider various factors that might be limiting their ability to do so. Use this checklist to quickly identify the reason behind the booking issue!

💻 Support Time Saver

Below are the top reasons clients cannot book using their plan, based on questions support receives from businesses

Your time is precious. The Walla Support team's time is precious. Learn the booking rules, use the checklists, save everyone precious time.

Plan Booking Rules

"Why can't my client book with their limited plan, they should have sessions left but they are not able to book?!"

This is a question that Walla Support answers at least once a day. 99% of the time the question can be avoided all together by understanding Limited Recurring Plan booking rules. We have an extremely detailed article on plan booking rules and we also cover these reasons and solutions in this article.

Class Book Ahead Window

You'd be surprised how frequently businesses forget to change the default 7 days to their standard book ahead window. Even the most tenured Walla users tend to forget this. To view the class booking window select Classes, choose Go on a class tile, then select Booking and Waitlist settings

Limited Recurring Plans Booking Checklist

✔️ Check the plan's booking rules

  • Limited recurring plans allow clients to book classes up to three payment cycles in advance.

  • At purchase, the system generates up to three months of passes to prevent clients from booking indefinitely into the future.

  • After the client's second payment, one cycle of passes is added on to the third cycle, and after each subsequent payment, a cycle of passes is added on.

✔️ Verify the client's remaining passes for the current billing cycle

  • If the client has exhausted their passes for the current billing cycle, they will be prompted to pay the drop-in rate when attempting to book an additional class within the same cycle.

✔️ Understand how bookings outside the current billing cycle work

  • When a client books a class that occurs after their current billing period, the pass is deducted from their future cycle, and the pass will be deducted from the corresponding future billing cycle when the payment is processed for that cycle. The client may not be away they exhausted all passes from a future cycle.

✔️ Check the plan's start date and expiration date

  • Staff can book clients into classes that take place before the plan start date, but clients cannot book themselves into these classes.

  • Both staff and clients can book classes that take place after the plan start date but before the plan expiration date when the plan has a future start date.

✔️ Verify payment status

  • If a client's plan has a failed payment, neither clients nor staff can use the plan to book the class.

✔️ Verify the plan's commitment period

  • If the class occurs after the plan's commitment end date and the plan does not auto-renew, the client will not be able to book it.

Unlimited Recurring Plans Booking Checklist

✔️ Determine the plan's auto-renewal status

  • For unlimited recurring plans that do not auto-renew, clients can book classes that occur before the last day of the plan's commitment or as far out as the class book ahead window allows, whichever comes first.

  • For unlimited recurring plans that auto-renew, clients can book classes that occur after the last day of the plan's commitment or as far out as the class book ahead window allows, whichever comes first.

✔️ Check the class book ahead window

  • The client's ability to book classes will always be constrained by the booking window.

  • If the booking window is 30 days, the client will only be able to book 30 days in advance, regardless of their plan's commitment period.

✔️ Verify the plan's start date and expiration date

  • Staff can book clients into classes that take place before the plan start date, but clients cannot book themselves into these classes.

  • Both staff and clients can book classes that take place after the plan start date but before the plan expiration date when the plan has a future start date.

✔️ Check payment status

  • If a client's plan has a failed payment, neither clients nor staff can use the plan to book the class.

  • To resolve this issue, ensure the client updates their payment method via the widget or have a staff member add a new card and link it to the client's plan, then process the payment.

Universal Settings Applied to All Plan Types Checklist

✔️ Check payment status

  • If a client's plan has a failed payment, neither clients nor staff can use the plan to book the class.

  • To resolve this issue, ensure the client updates their payment method via the widget or have a staff member add a new card and link it to the client's plan, then process the payment.

✔️ Consider the studio's comp waitlist settings

  • If the client has a zero-dollar plan (complimentary or free) and is trying to book a waitlist spot, the studio's comp waitlist settings will determine their ability to use the plan.

  • If the comp waitlist settings are set to "No comps," the client cannot use their zero-dollar plan to book a waitlist spot and must use an alternative payment method, such as a drop-in rate or a different non-zero price plan.

✔️ Verify the plan's start date and expiration date

  • Staff can book clients into classes that take place before the plan start date for certain plan types, but clients cannot book themselves into classes that occur before their plan's start date.

  • Both staff and clients can book classes that take place after the plan start date but before the plan expiration date when the plan has a future start date.

✔️ Check the class book ahead window

  • The client's ability to book classes will always be constrained by the booking window, regardless of their plan type or commitment period.

  • If the booking window is set to 30 days, the client will only be able to book classes up to 30 days in advance.

✔️ Check that the plan is set up to pay for the class

  • The easiest way to do this is to go to Plan Management and verify the plan can pay for the class under the Class to Plan Relationships tab.

Information to Always Provide Support

If you needsto message support regarding a client's booking issue, the team will always ask for the following information to help them quickly understand and resolve the problem.

Issue: "Why can't my client book this class?"

Client First and Last Name:

Date and Time of Booking Attempt: Specify the date and time when the client attempted to book

Booking Platform: Walla App iOS / Walla App Android / Widget/ Branded App

Time of Class: Specify the time of the class they attempted to book

Date of Class: Specify the date of the class they attempted to book

Class Name: Specify the name of the class they tried to book

⚡ Speed up the resolution process and provide these extras

Staff Booking: [Yes / No] Indicate whether a staff member was able to book them into the class

Booking Error: [Yes / No] Indicate if they encountered an error during the booking attempt

Plan: Specify the plan they wanted to use

Affects: [Just this class / All classes] Specify whether the issue affects just the one class or all classes

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