Pair Your Stripe Terminal
Updated over a week ago

In this article we outline registering your Stripe Terminal. Once the hardware is received from Stripe and registered in the database, your terminal is considered live for payment processing!

Understanding Status Labels

The Stripe terminal utilizes two status labels to indicate the device's current state:

  • Connected: When the terminal is connected to your system and ready for use, it will display a "Connected" status. This label indicates that the terminal is online and operational, allowing you to accept payments smoothly.

  • Available: The "Available" status label means that the Stripe Terminal is ready to process payments and is awaiting a transaction request. This status appears when the terminal is connected but not actively processing a payment.

(Note: To avoid confusion, "Not Connected" has been dropped from status options)

Five Steps to Register the Stripe Terminal

Follow these five straightforward steps to register your Stripe Terminal:

Step 1: Register a Terminal

  • Within Walla Business Settings, select the Payment Terminal tile.

  • Next, select Register a Terminal.

  • If your business has multiple locations, you can associate the terminal with the appropriate location by choosing from the drop-down menu.

  • Single location companies can skip this step as the terminal will automatically associate with the default location.

Step 2: Name the Device

  • Give your Stripe Terminal a recognizable name by typing in a unique identifier. This makes it easier to manage multiple devices.

Step 3: Connect to Wi-Fi

  • A stable internet connection is crucial for smooth payment processing.

  • To open the Settings menu, swipe to the Right from the Left edge of the reader screen to reveal a Settings button. Tap the Settings button and enter the admin PIN 07139 . From here, WiFi settings can be managed.

Step 4: Generate Pairing Code

  • Once connected, the terminal may apply updates and a three word pairing code will appear on the screen.

  • If the three word paring code does not appear on the screen, swipe Right from the Left edge of the reader screen to reveal a Settings button.

  • Tap the Settings button and enter the admin PIN 07139 to generate a pairing code for device registration.

Step 5: Enter Pairing Code and Complete Registration

  • Enter the pairing code into the designated field to link the terminal to your account.

  • Finally, select the "Register" option to complete the registration process.

If you encounter any challenges during the registration process or require further assistance, our dedicated support team is here to help. Feel free to reach out, and we'll be glad to assist you in making the most of your Stripe Terminal for your business needs.

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