Migration day tasks and timeline | Mindbody
Updated over a week ago

Here is the timeline for your migration from Mindbody to Walla! Follow these steps, referring to the necessary support articles, in order to complete your tasks during migration to Walla.

Record future cancellations and suspensions

  • Run a membership report in MBO to capture a list of clients set to terminate in the future and/or currently suspended.

  • The schedule cancellation will need to be resubmitted in Walla on their active plan

  • The suspended membership will not migrate into Walla and the client will need to be resold a new plan upon their return.

Disable your Mindbody purchasing/booking

Email your Data Migration Rep to let them know when above is complete.

Add Walla’s widgets to your website

Set auto-reply on studio email

Walla runs final reports in Mindbody

Walla sends welcome email after above is complete.

That's it! You're officially live on Walla - any questions throughout the day please reach out to your Data Migration Rep!

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