What Data is Migrated | Wellness Living
Updated over a week ago

Below you will see which reports Walla uses to import your client's profile, historical and pricing data. In certain cases, client's information may not appear on these reports due to how the client's profile or pricing is configured. If a client's data is absent from any of these reports there is a risk in data loss. In many cases we can isolate and reimport the missing data.

  • Wellness Living’s All Clients Report is used to import your client profile data. In certain cases, your regular clients may not appear in this report.

  • Wellness Living’s All Clients Report (SMS and Email Filter On) is used to determine clients who are opted into marketing.

  • Wellness Living’s Projected Revenue Report is used to import clients auto-renewing plans.

  • Wellness Living’s Visits Remaining Report is used to import plans and to determine how many visits are left on a clients plan.

  • Wellness Living’s Attendance With Payment Option Details is used to import upcoming bookings and historical bookings.

  • Wellness Living’s All Sales is used to import historical sales.

  • Wellness Living’s Inventory on Hand is used to import retails items to your Walla Store.

Note: Walla cannot import client's sharing an email address, if your client's are sharing an email address, one client will be skipped and data loss can occur.

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