Running Classes on Pen & Paper for Migration Day
Updated over a week ago

After your migration starts, there is the risk of data discrepancies occurring if you check client's in via your previous software.

At the time of migration, everything in your previous software will be considered set in stone and that's what we'll migrate over. So for example, if a client has 7/10 classes remaining in the previous software at the start of migration, we're going to migrate that client in with 7/10 classes remaining. If the client is signed in and at that point should only have 6/10 classes remaining, their class count in Walla is off and effectively have a free class.

Doing check-in on pen and paper keeps your class counts accurate. When your clients come to take class you will mark it on pen and paper and once migration is completed you can reconcile it in Walla post-migration so the client's most accurate class count is recorded.

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