Add a New Gift Card
Updated over a week ago

In Gift Up! choose Add item for sale and complete the fields to create your gift card!

  1. Enter the Name and Description of your gift card

  2. Enter Pricing (Choose currency backed and not unit backed)

  3. Choose Fixed price gift card or Customer can choose the gift card value
    Fixed price gift card gives you the option to enter in a set amount for a gift card. You can also select the lock icon, which allows you to set the Balance to issue amount as a different price than the Price to charge purchaser. You can use this option if you want to sell a gift card at a discount. For example, you can set the Balance to issue at $100 but charge the client $80 to create a discounted gift card.

  4. Enter Advanced Settings
    ​Valid from: Valid immediately Account (default), A fixed date, A number of days, or Force to be valid immediately
    ​Expires on: Never expires Account (default), A fixed date, After a number of months, After a number of days, Force to never expire

  5. Upload custom artwork for your gift card

  6. Enter extra terms & conditions that may apply to this specific gift card

  7. Set initial balance visibility (this applies to the Gift Card widget): Hide balance (default), Force show the initial balance, or Force hide the initial balance

  8. Set barcode visibility (this applies to the Gift Card widget): Show barcode (default), Force show the barcode, or Force hide the barcode

  9. Custom gift card codes: When someone buys this item, you can choose how the resulting gift card code is generated. You can choose to Generate a unique 5 character gift card codeAccount (default), Generate a unique code according to the format you specify, Pull a code from a list of pre-generated codes you upload.

  10. Visibility, limits & schedule (this applies to the Gift Card widget: Decide if this item is publicly available to buy, or private and only available to select customers.

  11. After completing these fields, select Save

All of your gift cards can be found under Items for Sale under Gift Up!


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