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How do my clients get the personality quiz—and where can I find out what about their personality traits?
How do my clients get the personality quiz—and where can I find out what about their personality traits?
Updated over a week ago

We’ve partnered with Skillpower to bring you a powerful new way to understand your clients, what motivates them, and how you can help them to grow during their journey with your studio.

About the quiz

Skillpower is a personality quiz developed by top university professors and scientists to help you better understand their personality traits—and what motivates them. What motivates a Doer isn't the same as what motivates a Thinker. From helping client's with their goals, making incentives that attract everyone, to more effectively communicating with your clients, these insights not only help you better understand your clients, they help grow your business. It is a set of 36 very short and easy to answer questions, taking only a couple minutes to complete the quiz. Quiz results reveal if you are a Doer, a Mavrick, a Giver, or a Thinker as well as a three motivational tips tailored your personality traits.

Yellow represents Thinkers: Questions fitness trends; value-based attitude; needs extra convincing to try something new.

Blue represents Doers: Likes to accomplish goals; health-conscious mentality; open to trying new classes.

Red represents Mavericks: Independent, confident decision-maker; will book classes alone; appreciates honest interactions.

Green represents Givers: Responds to external motivation; likes positive encouragement; open to trying new group fitness classes.

How your clients access the quiz

For new clients: When a new client account is created, the personality quiz link will be included in the welcome email.

For existing clients: The personality quiz for existing clients can be accessed via your studios widget. Clients can access the quiz via the widget by logging into any widget on your studio's website, going to Your Profile, and selecting Take Quiz Now.

Resend the link or have your client take the quiz in-studio: You can resend a link to the personality quiz via the client's profile or you can generate a QR code for the client to scan. The QR code sends the client directly to the quiz. Once the quiz is completed, their results will be automatically visible under their profile.

How to know if they've taken the quiz

There are two places where you can find your client’s personality type once they have completed the quiz: the Client Profile and in the Class Sign-In page. The About section under the Client Profile is where you will find out if your client has taken the personality quiz. If they have, you will see their personality profile, along with a short description of that personality type. Each personality type has a corresponding color. When a client completes their quiz, their photo will be outlined with their corresponding personality color both on the class sign-in page and on their client profile.

How to find your client's personality types

Located on the Overview tab under the About section is where their personality type and profile will be listed. Here you can find details about what motivates their personality type.

Color Band Around the Client's Photo

When a client is booked for a class, their avatar will have a colored "band" around their picture representing their personality type. When you hover over the client image, there will be a short blurb about the personality type. The band also appears around the client's photo under their client profile.

The Class Sign-In Page

The Class Analysis drop-down displays a Personality card on the class sign-in page. If a client is checked-in and has taken the quiz, they will be counted towards the stats on this card. Only Location Manager, Manager, and Owner permission groups can see the cards under the Class Analysis drop-down.

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