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Credit Bundles
Can I add credits to a client's credit bundle?
Can I add credits to a client's credit bundle?
Updated over a week ago

Credit bundles are different than plans in that you can not add credits to a client's credit bundle, you can only deduct credits. We suggest creating a credit bundle that is specific for this use case and deducting the credits from the client's bundle after selling the bundle to the client.

Create Your Credit Bundle

  1. From the main navigation menu select Plan Management

  2. Choose Add New Plan

  3. Select Create a Credit Bundle

  4. Choose Credits To Be Used Anytime

  5. Make sure it it set to not be sold online

  6. Enter What the bundle is worth for the value of the credits. We suggest creating a bundle that is at least 50 credits so you have a lot of credits to work with when deducting them.

  7. Enter 0 under What you'll charge for the bundle

  8. Select Save

Sell the Bundle, Then Deduct Credits

Next, you will sell the $0 credit bundle to your client. Once you sell the bundle follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Overview Tab of the client's profile

  2. Scroll down to the bundle you just sold to the client

  3. Select the three dots on the top right of the tile

  4. Choose Deduct Credits

  5. Deduct the number of credits to achieve the total number of credits you want to give to the client. For example, if the bundle has 100 credits and you want to issue 20 credits to the client you will deduct 80 credits.

  6. Save

โ˜๏ธ Important Consideration When you create the bundle you want to think through if you are going to create the bundle at a $0 price or if you are going to set a price and discount the bundle 100% at checkout. Review your Payroll Settings and if you have percentage based pay rates to determine the best path forward. While it may seem intuitive to create the bundle at a nominal value and then discount it by 100%, this approach could lead to inaccuracies in payroll bonuses if you do not count plans or drop-ins priced at $0 towards payroll bonuses. Plans or drop-ins sold with a 100% discount added at checkout are not classified as $0 plans.

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