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How to create and use credit bundles
How to create and use credit bundles
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will explore the concept of credits and how they can benefit your business, guide you through the process of creating credit bundles and explain how they work. Credits offer a flexible way to manage memberships or plans that can be used to pay for a variety of services your business offers, such as classes and appointments. Allowing a single membership for multiple service offerings.

What Are Credits?

Credits are a form of currency within your business that can be used by your clients to access various services. They offer a convenient way to manage memberships for clients who may want to take different classes or appointments with varying costs. Credits allow you to provide a unified membership experience for your clients.

The Benefits of Credits

Simplified Membership Management: Credit bundles streamline the membership process by offering a single plan that covers multiple services.

Flexibility: Credit bundles can accommodate different pricing structures for various services.

Enhanced Client Experience: Clients benefit from the convenience of using a single membership for various studio offerings. This simplifies their experience and reduces the need to keep track of multiple memberships or pricing plans.

Increased Client Retention: Credit bundles can make clients more likely to stay engaged, as they perceive greater value from their membership. Leading to increased client retention and loyalty.

Create a Credit Bundle

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Plan Management

  2. Choose Credit Bundles

  3. Select the option for "Credit Bundles" to create a new credit bundle membership plan.

  4. Give your credit bundle a name and specify the number of credits it will include. For example, you can create a plan with 60 credits per month that can be used for appointments and classes.

  5. Choose a start date and decide when the plan will become active – either on the date of purchase or on the first visit by the client.

  6. Choose a bundle type
    You have two options for credit bundles, a one-time bundle with an expiration date or a recurring bundle that provides a set number of credits per month.

  7. Set credit Value
    It's important to note that each credit may not have a one-to-one dollar value. The slight difference is intentional to encourage clients to think in terms of credits, not dollars.

  8. Set pricing and decide how much you want to charge for the credit bundle. You can offer discounts to incentivize clients to purchase bundles.

  9. Choose the minimum commitment and specify a minimum commitment period for the credit bundle, such as three months.

  10. Allow or disallow rollover of credit. You can allow credits to roll over from one month to the next, making it easier for clients to use their credits, especially if they have a combination of services.

  11. Enable auto-renewal for the plan so that it continues until clients decide to cancel.

  12. Set additional features. Consider adding guest passes or intro discounts to make the bundle even more appealing to clients.

  13. Save

Using Credits

Once your credit bundle plan is in place, clients can use their credits to book appointments or classes. The system will automatically calculate the credit cost for each service, allowing clients to see how many credits they need to use for a particular booking.

Credit bundles provide a flexible way to manage memberships and offer clients the freedom to use their credits for a variety of services at your business. Start offering credit bundles to enhance the membership experience for your clients and drive business growth!

Create and Using Credit Bundles FAQ

Can I add credits to an individual client bundle?

You can only deduct credits you, can not add credits to a client's bundle.

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