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Lead Tracker Overview

Learn how to use the different views of the Lead Tracker to manage client relationships and boost sales!

Updated this week

The Lead Tracker is more than just a list of potential clients – it's a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and an intitive sales pipeline rolled into one.

By leveraging both the CRM capabilities and the sales pipeline functionality of the Lead Tracker, you create a seamless system where excellent client service naturally feeds into sales opportunities, and where your sales process is informed by deep client understanding.

Access the Lead Tracker

Follow these steps to access the Lead Tracker:

  1. From the Main Navigation Menu select Marketing Center

  2. Select Lead Tracker

  3. Look for the view toggle icons in the upper left corner of the Lead Tracker

  4. Select the cards icon to switch to the Pipeline View

Lead Tracker Views

The Lead Tracker offers two powerful views: the List View and the Card View (Pipeline). Both are essential tools that seamlessly blend sales and service, helping you grow your business while providing exceptional experiences for your clients.

List View: The List View is your go-to command center for both sales and service, offering a detailed overview of all your leads and clients in one place.

Card View: The Card View transforms your sales and service process into a visual journey, making it easy to understand where each client stands in their relationship with your studio.

Each view represents your client's journey with your studio. Use these tools to ensure that every move you make is in service of your client's goals, creating a win-win scenario where your studio's growth is a direct result of your clients' success!

List View: Comprehensive Client Management

The List View is your go-to command center for both sales and service, offering a detailed overview of all your leads and clients in one place.

  • View leads based on criteria like creation date, assigned team member, or follow-up date.

  • See important information at a glance: Name, Source, Lead Stage, First Class date, and more.

  • Access the client panel to take actions like creating tasks or scheduling follow-ups.

πŸ›ŽοΈ Using the List View For Service

  • Get a bird's-eye view of all client interactions, allowing you to provide personalized attention.

  • Quickly access client history, preferences, and notes to tailor your service approach

  • Identify clients who may need extra support or encouragement in their fitness journey.

πŸ’° Using the List View For Sales

  • Easily spot upsell opportunities based on client engagement and history.

  • Track lead sources to optimize your marketing efforts.

  • Monitor conversion rates and sales pipeline progression.

Card View (Pipeline): Visualizing Client Journeys

The Card View transforms your sales and service process into a visual journey, making it easy to understand where each client stands in their relationship with your studio.

πŸ›ŽοΈ Using the Pipeline View For Service

  • Quickly identify which stage each client is in, allowing you to provide stage-appropriate support and guidance.

  • Visually track client progression through different service levels or program types.

  • Easily spot clients who might be at risk of churning and need additional attention.

πŸ’° Using the Pipeline View For Sales

  • See at a glance how many leads are in each stage of your sales funnel.

  • Identify bottlenecks in your sales process where leads might be getting stuck.

  • Prioritize your sales efforts by focusing on leads in high-potential stages.

Both views are designed to help you balance the art of client service with the science of sales. By leveraging these tools effectively, you can create a harmonious approach where your studio's growth is directly tied to your clients' success and satisfaction.

Set Up Your Pipeline

The Sales Pipeline represents the various phases a potential client goes through in their journey towards becoming a member. These stages allow you to categorize and track leads based on their level of engagement and readiness to purchase. By effectively utilizing Lead Stages, you can tailor your communication, focus your efforts, and ultimately increase your conversion rates.

Step 1: Add Lead Stages

Lead stages are the backbone of your Lead Management pipeline. They represent distinct phases a potential customer goes through, from initial contact to becoming a member. By effectively using lead stages, you can organize, track, and optimize your entire sales journey.

Follow these steps to set up your Lead Stages:

  1. From the Main Navigation Menu select Marketing Center

  2. Choose Lead Stages

  3. Select Add a Lead Stage

  4. Enter a Stage name

  5. Choose a Lead State (Active Lead, Lead Won/Closed, Lead Lost/Closed)

  6. Select a Color

  7. Save

Step 2: Assign Lead Stages to the Pipeline Cards

  1. From the Main Navigation Menu select Marketing Center

  2. Select Lead Tracker

  3. Look for the view toggle icons in the upper left corner of the Lead Tracker

  4. Select the cards icon to switch to the Pipeline View

  5. Choose the gear to edit the Lead Stage cards

  6. Select the + to add more stages to your pipeline

  7. Save

Step 3: Determine Lead Pipeline Movement

There are 4 ways to assign or change a Lead Stage for a lead, which subsequently moves the lead through the Pipeline view as their Lead Stages update. Keep your pipeline simple at first. You can always add more complexity as you get comfortable with the system.

The dynamic nature of your Sales Pipeline comes from the movement of leads through various stages:

β“΅ Adding a New Lead

Assign a Lead Stage when adding a New Lead

β“Ά Pipeline View

Drag and drop the client from one lead stage to another

β“· Client Profile or Panel

From the client panel, select the edit icon in the lead section of their panel. Remove the current stage and add the new stage.

β“Έ Automations

Create a journey to target your desired audience and automatically update Lead Stages

Edit Pipeline Lead Stage Cards

To add or remove the stages listed in your Pipeline View:

  1. Look for the gear icon near the top of the Pipeline View

  2. Select the gear icon

  3. Add a Pipeline Stage or select the recycle bin to remove the Stage

Change the Pipeline Cards Sort Order

There is not a way to click and drag to change the sort order of the pipeline cards.

To change the order or content of stages:

  1. Delete the existing tiles

  2. Re-add them in the desired order with the desired content


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