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Cancel An Ad

How to cancel an ad and refund policy.

Toni Thom avatar
Written by Toni Thom
Updated over 3 years ago

Cancelling An Ad
To cancel a published ad please follow these steps:

  1. Click on All Ads > Running Ads

  2. Find the ad you would like to cancel and click to view details.ย 

  3. Scroll to bottom of ad details page.ย 

  4. Click on "Cancellation Policy" and follow prompts.ย 

Refunds - Terms of Service

Service fees are non-refundable.

You may permanently cancel an active Facebook Ad at any time and we will unpublish it from the Facebook Ads Platform. After a settlement period of approximately forty-eight (48) hours, any remaining Facebook Ad Spend will be refunded to you, using the payment method you used for the initial purchase. Your bank or card issuer will likely post the credit to your account within five (5) to ten (10) business days. The exact amount of the refund of unspent Ad Spend is determined by the Facebook Ads Platform and cannot be estimated by us in advance due to the proprietary nature of that Platform. Therefore, we can offer no guarantee about refunded Ad Spend amounts (if any).

Users are responsible for the accuracy of the targeting chosen and information displayed on the ad and single property websites, including chosen image and contact information. SERVICE FEE REFUNDS WILL NOT BE GIVEN FOR INACCURATE INFORMATION OR "MISTAKES" MADE PRIOR TO PUBLISHING THE AD. If an ad is published and a "mistake was found", user is responsible for that mistake and is not entitled to a refund.

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