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How to bulk import products

A guide to the bulk importing of My Products - Products

Updated over 6 months ago

Export the My products / Products file:

If you haven't added any products the file will just have headers in Row 1.

There are 25 fields as follows. Some of these are required, some are optional. There are also 4 required fields that reference other sections. These require special attention and are highlighted pink.

Product Identifier (required)

User defined unique identifier for the Product. This works as a unique key for the system to identify a particular Product.

Username (required)

Seller username.

Product Name (required)

User defined field for product name.

Description (optional)

User defined field for product description.

Youtube video (optional)

User defined field for product Youtube video URL.

Category Identifier (required)

User defined unique identifier for the category. This field needs to match an appropriate selection from the Category Identifier column in the Categories export sheet e.g. Dosing Pump ADD EXTRA ARTICLE WITH LINK FOR THIS - ALSO ADD A BIT TO OVERVIEW

Brand Identifier (optional)

User defined unique identifier for the Brand. This field needs to be the same as Brand Identifier defined in Brand sheet.

Product Type Identifier (required)

User defined input field to denote the type of the Product. Possible inputs for this field are 'Physical', 'Digital' & “Service”.

Model (optional)

User defined field for product model.

Min selling price (optional??)

User defined field for minimum selling price for the product.

Tax Category Identifier (required)

User defined unique identifier for the Tax category. This field needs to be the same as Tax Category Identifier defined in tax category export sheet. Select either NZ GST (15%) or International Tax (0%).

Shipping Profile Identifier (Required)

User defined field for shipping profile.

Shipping Package Identifier (Required)

User defined field for shipping package identifier.

Weight (Required)

User defined field for product package Weight.

Weight Unit Identifier (Required)

User defined input field to denote the unit of the weight of the package. Possible inputs for this field are 'Gram', 'Kilogram' & 'Pound'.

Product Warranty (days) – this is a bug. There should be a unit identifier. Days/Months/Years. (Required?? Can change this.)

User defined field for product warranty.

Ean/upc Code (Optional)

User defined field for EAN/UPC code of the product.

Shipping country Code (Required)

The country of origin. Select NZ or an alternative that needs to be the same as country code defined in Countries export sheet.

COD Available (Required)

User defined field to mark a particular Product is available for Cash on Delivery or not. Possible inputs for this field are 'Yes' & 'No'.

Featured (Required)

User defined field to mark a particular Product as featured or not. Possible inputs for this field are 'Yes' & 'No'.

Approved (Required)

User defined field to mark a particular Product as Approved or not. Possible inputs for this field are 'Yes' & 'No'. Default value should be set as 'Yes' to display products in the system.

Active (Required)

User defined field to mark a particular Product as active in the system or not. Possible inputs for this field are 'Yes' & 'No'. Default value should be set as 'Yes'.

Deleted (Required)

User defined field to mark a particular product as deleted in the system or not. Possible inputs for this field are 'Yes' & 'No'. Default value should be set as 'No' to display products in the system.

Once you've added all your details, save as a CSV and import the file by going to import:

Clicking on My products opens up a side panel. Select Products from the Select data dropdown list, select the csv file to be imported then press the blue import button.

The import process will only complete if the file has no errors. If the file has errors an error log (in CSV format) will download to your download folder. Open this to see any errors flagged with a description of the error. Fix the errors and re-import.

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