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How to bulk import product inventories

Guide on bulk uploading Product Inventories - General Data

Updated over 6 months ago

Export the Product Inventories / General Data file:

If you haven't added any product inventory yet the file will just have headers in Row 1.

There are 21 fields as follows. Some are required, some are optional and one field needs special attention as it links to other sections.

Seller Product ID (Required)

User defined unique id for the Product. This field needs to be unique i.e. it can’t match any of your existing seller product IDs.

Product Identifier (Required)

User defined identifier for the Product. This field needs to be the same as Product Identifier defined in the Product export sheet.

Selling Price (Required)

Selling price of the product

Cost Price (Required but want to change)

Cost price of the product

Stock (Required)

Quantity available for the product

SKU (Optional)

Stock keeping unit code for the product

Min Order Quantity (Required)

Minimum quantity that a buyer can purchase for the product

Maintain Stock Levels (Required)

User defined field to mark if the system should subtract stock or not once an order is placed. Possible inputs for this field are 'Yes' & 'No'.

Track Product Inventory (Required)

User defined field to mark if the system should monitor inventory or not. Possible inputs for this field are 'Yes' & 'No'.

Threshold Stock Level (Required)

User defined field to input threshold stock level upon which the system would generate an alert email. This will only work if both Subtract Stock & Track Inventory are set as 'Yes'.

Condition identifier (Required)

User defined field to define a particular product's condition in the system. Possible inputs for this field are 'New', 'Used' & 'Refurbished'.

Digital Product Max Download time (Required for Digital Products)

User defined field to define maximum number of times a digital product can be downloaded. Possible inputs for this field are integers.

Download validity in days (Required for Digital Products)

User defined field to define maximum number of days until the digital product can be downloaded. Possible inputs for this field are integers.

Title (Required)

User defined field to define the title of the product in the shop.

Comments (Optional)

User defined field to input comments for the product.

Return Age (Required if not using default policy)

User defined field to input return period in days if “Use shop return and cancellation policy” button is unchecked.

Cancellation Age (Required if not using default policy)

User defined field to input cancellation period in days if “Use shop return and cancellation policy” button is unchecked.

URL Keyword (Required)

User defined field for input of URL keywords, used for URL rewriting. The suggested convention is productname-storename (make sure there are no spaces between words.

Available From (Required)

User defined date field to input the date the product is available from. Date format is mm/dd/yy

Active (Required)

User defined field to mark a particular product as Active in the system or not. Possible inputs for this field are 'Yes' & 'No'. Default value should be set as 'Yes' to display products in the system.

COD Available – Not on the inventory form so must be from the product form? (Required)

User defined field to mark a particular product is available for cash on delivery in the system or not. Possible inputs for this field are 'Yes' & 'No'.

Once you've added all your details, save as a CSV and import the file by going to import:

Clicking on Product Inventories opens up a side panel. Select General Data from the Select data dropdown list, select the csv file to be imported then press the blue import button.

The import process will only complete if the file has no errors. If the file has errors an error log (in CSV format) will download to your download folder. Open this to see any errors flagged with a description of the error. Fix the errors and re-import.

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