You can change, add or remove most of your options up until the balance deadline date which is stated on your booking confirmation. To manage your booking and change options please log into your NUCO account here.ย
After the payment deadline, our team will start confirming all options with our suppliers in the UK and resort, therefore, changes to booking options are not always possible.
If you would like to change a booking option after your payment deadline please send us a chat with your booking reference number and details of what you would like to change and if we have not yet confirmed this with our suppliers, we will be happy to make this change for you, however, this may not always be possible.
Given the number of passengers travelling with NUCO, we have deadlines that we have to confirm with our suppliers and as such after we have confirmed and booked hire, lessons, transport, events etc with suppliers we are not always able to make changes but we will do what we can edit your options for you, if we can.