If you are due to be arriving in resort after Sunday, can you please let the NUCO team know by either sending us a chat through the website or app or by sending an email through to info@nucotravel.com with a day and rough time you are due to arrive.
If you are arriving on Saturday, please note that the keys to your accommodation may not be available until after 5pm. In most cases, only one key will be available for collection so please bear this in mind if you are first to arrive as your roommates will need access when they arrive. If you require another key, you will need to speak to your accommodation agency and, if possible, they can provide an additional key but you may be required to pay a deposit or provide a card authorisation for this.
If you arrive in resort before the rest of your group and the coaches/ airport transfers please send our team a chat through the app and we can advise where your key collection point will be.