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Data Import: Step 4 - Map Data

How to map your data during a data import

Updated over a week ago

Map your data

Data import provides many functions for mapping Data from your raw data file to the fields in webCRM.

Depending on the options you selected in the Validate section, you will see appropriate fields available to map to, in the Map data tab.

In our example you will see:

  • Organisations

  • Persons

  • Activities

We will now show each import module:


In this example (and by default) there are two fields used for the duplicate check: (Organisation) Name and Division. This prevents duplicate records. If there are rows in your raw data that have the same Organisation Name and Division, they will be treated as the same record and only created once, unless you select otherwise in Create Mode.

Identify the webCRM fields you need to import to. The Drop down arrow in each field displays all the column headers in your raw data file. The Drop down column header list will be automatically numbered 1, 2, 3 etc. This makes it easier to spot any column you may have missed in your mapping. In the above example you can see that Telephone is column number 6 in the original source file.


Continue to scroll down the Map Data screen and you will see options for importing Person records.

You will see that there are two mandatory fields for First Name and Last Name. If you do not map data to these fields then Data import will not let you proceed.

NOTE: If the names in your Raw data are in a single field as a Full name, you may change from First/Last name to Full name in the Create mode tab.


You can create Activities as part of the import routine. This is extremely useful for creating cold calling Activities against bought in Data.

With the Data import options you don’t need to create a lot of extra data just to populate Activities, you can set up the fields to populate with same value for all and simply allocate them to those User names you have in the Raw data already.

Activities will be created for each record unless you have set the parameter in create mode to only create one Activity per Organisation.

NOTE: It is not compulsory to map a Person name or a User name for Activities. If you do not, then the Activities will still be created and appear on the Organisation records but will not be any individual’s responsibility and therefore they risk not being completed on time. We recommend that you at least map a Responsible User.

NOTE: You must specify at least the Date, Action and Status for an Activity otherwise none will be created.

The Date, Responsible and Contact for this example are coming from the Raw data file.

Same value for all

If you wish to force a value for a field then you can select Same value for all and specify the chosen value. If the field you select is a Drop down list then you will be presented with the list to select an option from. If the field is a Checkbox then you can check it or leave it unchecked, etc.

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