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Main settings: Access levels

How to assign different access levels to users in webCRM

Updated over a week ago

webCRM users can have different access levels according to their respective areas of responsibility and use of the system. There must be at least one super user with access level 99 who can administer the system and be responsible for the setup. Typically, the other users of the system will be standard users og managers.

Standard Adgangsniveauer

1 No access
Access is blocked.

25 Display only
Access to view all data.
Territory restrictions is determined for each user.
May not create, edit or delete data.
No access to Utility and Configuration..

59 Restricted standard user
Access to data when responsible or 2nd responsible.
Territory restrictions is determined for each user.
May create end edit data, but not delete data.
No access to Utility and Configuration.

61 Standard user
Access to Responsible data.
Territory restrictions is determined for each user.
May create and edit data, but not delete data.
No access to Utility and Configuration.

65 Delegated manager
Same as standard user +
Full access to budgets.

70 Manager
Same as standard user +
May delete data.
May manage budgets, standard documents and emails

80 Administrator
Same as manager +
May manage Pipeline and Overviews.
May manage Users.
May import data.

99 All rights
Super user rights.

Go to Configurations --> Main Settings --> Access Levels.

Here you can see all acess levels in webCR and a brrief description of each of these. By clicking on the number for the access levels (1; 25; 59; 61; 65; 70; 80; 99) you can see the sepcific settings for each access level.

If you have the SMB or Enterprise version of webCRM, these access levels wil be editable. You can click on the pencil to the left of a level and change its settings.

It is also possible to create a customized access level for your users by clicking on the plus icon in the top right corner. Read more about how to create a new access level here.

Go to Configurations --> Users
On the individual user's profiles you can use the dropdown list to select the appropriate access level for the user.

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