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Create and edit an User
Updated over a week ago

To create a new webCRM user you need to have enough available licenses in your subscription. You can check your current license status by going to Configurations --> License, where you can see the amount of active licenses and the total amount of allowed active licenses you can have.

If you are using all allowed licenses, you need to choose how many new licenses you need to have, to increase the maximum allowed. You can choose this in the drop down list on the page.

NOTICE: Changes in your Licenses will have an effect on your subcription price.

Create User

To create an User go to Configurations --> Users and clicking the Plus icon to add a new User.

It's mandatory to give the User a Name, e-mail address and Initials which has to be unique for all Users, login-name, password and access level.

After filling the mandatory fields click the Save button.

Changing the access level

webCRM Users can have different acces levels depending on their position and responsibility. There should be at least one system Administrator with access level 99.

When editing an User under Configuration --> Users on the edit logo, you can change the Users acces level to the right.

Ændring af systemsprog

Each webCRM User can choose what language to use in their system. Changes in the Users language will not affect data in the system.

The terminology for each language can be changed under Configuration --> Main settings --> Terminology.

To change the language on a User go to the specific User in Configuration --> Users and click the edit icon on that User. Scroll down on the page to Language.

Click the Save button to save the changes. Next time the User logs into the system, the new language settings will take action.

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