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Automation: Manual Trigger
Automation: Manual Trigger
Updated over a week ago

Manuel Trigger is one of the two triggers you can choose from, when creating an Automation in webCRM.

You can read the introduction to the function, together with discovering how to create your first Automation here.

By using the Manual trigger, you're Automation will generate a button, that needs to be clicked, before the Automation starts. This kind of trigger can for example be used on a Contactperson or a Delivery, to create other entities, when the Automation is being clicked.

Let's take an example, where an employee from the accounting department, is going through unpaid invoices, and needs to inform the account manager. The coworker from accounting can access the company's delivery in webCRM, and with the click of a button, inform the Responsible of the Delivery or Organisation of the unpaid invoice. The information can be send by e-mail, notifications or even creating other entities in that regard.

Let's set up this automation!

Create flow

Click on the blue "+" icon in the right side of the Automations page, and give the Automation a name a choose to use the Manual trigger.

Define trigger

Define the trigger by choosing the following configurations:

  1. Choose Delivery as Entity Type. This will make the Automation button appear on all Deliveries.

  2. Ann the field "Description", and choose the type of the field to be Text, together with making the field mandatory. The Description field can be used by accounting to write further information regarding the invoice or customer.

  3. Add another field and call it "Send e-mail?". Choose the type Checkbox for this field, but leave the option for mandatory empty. This gives the employee in account the option of sending an e-mail to the Responsible for the customer.

Set up the first action (Create Activity)

Choose a new action by clicking the blue "+" icon under the new trigger, and choose the action Create.

Set up the configurations of the action as shown below:

  1. Give the action a name, for example "Create Activity"

  2. Choose which entity that should be Created in the action - in this example we are going to choose Activity.

  3. Choose a date and hour for the Activity. In this example we have choosen Current date + time, with an extension of 1 day.

  4. Which Organisation should the Activity belong to? Here you can choose the Organisation, which the Delivery is attached to.

  5. The Action for the Activity is set to Invoice Followup. You may have your own terminology for Actions on Activities, than what is shown in the above example.

  6. The Activity Type is set to "High Priority", because it's an urgent matter.

  7. The contact person on the created Activity should in this case be the same person, that is listed as Delivery Contact. Therefore we choose the field Delivery --> Delivery contact. You of course have the option to choose any Person you'd like.

  8. The Responsible for the Activity is the same User, who is also Responsible for the Delivery.

  9. At the end we add the Description, that we made in the Trigger section. This way, we can just add the same description without having to manually type the text twice.

Set up the second action (Send notification)

With the Activity created, we can now send a notification to the Responsible of the Activity, informing them of this new Activity. The configurations on Send notification, should look as below:

  1. Give the action a name

  2. Choose who the notification should be sent to. In this example we choose the Responsible for the Delivery in question.

  3. Choose a Title for the notification. On the little settings icon you can choose is the Title should be a Fixed value, or from a Field. In this example we choose the value to be from the field Description in the trigger.

  4. You can write some information regarding the Activity to the User. As to be used in e-mail templates, you also here have the opportunity to access Mergefields. In this example we've therefore used the mergefield to link directly to the Activity. The mergefield looks like this:

Set up the third action (Create the Condition for Send e-mail)

Now lets add another action, by clicking the blue "+" undet the notification action.

When creating the trigger, we created the checkbox "Send e-mail?". It's a condition, that the checkbox is marked in the trigger section, for the Automation to send out an e-mail to the Responsible. In the configuration of the Condition, the datafields should be Trigger --> Send e-mail? with the criteria "Equals", and a match value that shows the checkbox has been marked.

Set up fourth action (Send e-mail - if Condition is being met)

If the above mentioned Condition is being met, an e-mail is to be send out to the Responsible of the Organisation, that is linked to the Delivery. Click on the blue "+" icon, which is marked with a "Yes", to create the action.

In this example we will not take action, if the Condition is NOT met (red "+" icon).

  1. Give the action a name

  2. The e-mail sender address should be the User who activated the Automationflow on the Delivery. Therefore the Field should be Trigger --> User --> E-mail.

  3. The receiver should be the Responsible for the Order.

  4. Entity Type and Entity ID is automatically generated from the trigger.

  5. Choose an e-mail template to send out. For this example we've created a specific template.

The complete flow is not done, and when the Automation is activated, if will send a notification to the Responsible of the Organisation. If the Condition is being met, an e-mail will be send out as well, to the Responsible of the Delivery.

Creation of Activity

Notification to the Responsible User of the Activity:

E-mail received by the Responsible for the Delivery:

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