We are always looking at how to help our customers get better insight and results from using WeThrive so this release was all about improving that even further!
New survey design
We have given the survey UI a refresh and made it look sharper and cleaner so your staff find it nicer to look at and to complete - see it below on the iPhoneX;
New action text
We have added the area of the model that the action relates too (1), highlighted the top-level action to focus on in bold (2), and added the sub-question scores to give you more depth and context to inform your action planning (3 & 4).
The specific action items have been made clearer, shorter and more specific to help you and your line managers implement changes more quickly.
Status (1) - The top priority action is to help them understand their significance in the organisation. 64% of the time they don't feel able to develop and take on more important roles (3) and 53% of the time don't think others see their work as important (4).
If team members can improve and progress, this should if possible be facilitated. If it is not possible in this role, people with potential might be encouraged to move role, or if that is not possible for them at this stage, they can at least be helped to see the time-scale to the point when they can change role and development will become possible.
Why does this team feel that others think their work is unimportant. If it does have a significance somewhere, they need to be connected with it. Motivation will improve once they feel that there is some point to what they do, and think others appreciate their efforts. Thank them when they put in a good effort. Ask them what would help them see where the importance of their work lies, and check on their scores in the Connection area to see whether there is scope to connect them with company aims better.
Update text on two areas of the model
We had feedback from several clients that some of their managers found two particular terms on our 4C model hard to understand. We have changed them as follows so they are clearer and easier to interpret for managers of all levels;
Foreboding - changed to 'Free from worry'.
βSpace - changed to 'Headspace'.