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Check on survey completions

Monitor survey progress and keep track of who has/hasn't completed the survey

Lauren Rolfe avatar
Written by Lauren Rolfe
Updated over a month ago

Keeping an eye on survey completion progress is made easy via the Survey > Status tab.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Surveys menu.

  2. Click the orange 'Status' icon (i) against your survey. This shows a list of all people within this survey. Each person has their name, email address and team, alongside:

    • Status - Either pending, in progress or complete.

    • Progress - Percentage way through the survey (10% is page 1, 43% page 2, 73% page 3, 100% complete).

    • Last nudged - Date of last email reminder sent prompting the person to complete their survey.

3. If you have a large number of people to review, use the Export Status button to export the full status details to Microsoft Excel, which you can then sort accordingly. The export will include the people data for location, department, unit and manager as well as team.

Watch this short help video explaining how to check on completions in the app and export if you need to. The video also shows you how to use Pivot Tables in Excel to break down completions by Team or Location or Department etc.

Tip: Pivot tables are a great way to summarise data quickly in Excel. If you're not familiar with how to use pivot tables, check the Microsoft help documentation here or watch our video above!

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