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Reading the dashboard graph

What to look for when viewing the dashboard graph and looking for trends

Lauren Rolfe avatar
Written by Lauren Rolfe
Updated over 3 years ago

This topic helps to explain what you should look for when viewing the dashboard graph, and how best to use that information to understand what's working well, and where attention and focus could make a material impact.

The graph basics

The graph plots the overall scores in each of the 4C model 16 sub areas

Each bar shows the average score across all survey respondents. Hovering over the bar will show you the exact percentage score and provide some supporting text around that area.

You'll also see two lines plotted on the graph. These are showing the minimum and maximum scores that were marked for each of the 16 areas. These can be very important and sometimes provide as much, if not more insight than the overall scores - more on this further below.

Reading the graph

Here's an example graph with some items for thought and consideration.

First of all consider the 4C model 4 key areas.

  • Cognitive - all about how well people understand the company mission, needs of its customers and their own and other teams roles in achieving this.

  • Capability - all about having the right knowledge, training, skills and resources to get work done successfully.

  • Connection - the invisible ‘human stuff’ that makes or breaks a team - attention, social connection and a sense of authentic status.

  • Confidence - five key indicators you really should monitor to keep the team on song.

The scores in the Confidence area will most likely be a result of the causes of issues raised in the first three areas. So to help improve those five key indicators, look at the scores in the first three areas. Where scores are particularly low, reading the team comments in the Reports may well help identify the issues at hand.

Looking for trends

The minimum and maximum scores are an important factor in understanding your data. Looking at the above chart we can see:

  1. Personal Performance (the second red bar) has a fantastic high score of 97%. The highest score is 100% and the lowest 90%, so we know everyone in this team is very clear on what is required of them.

  2. Attention (the first green bar) is low at 63% pointing to a team issue. But also, everyone generally feels the same here, with the most positive person only score 70%. The max line score is showing 90-100% scoring in all areas other than this one, so clearly it's an area that all members feel there is room for improvement.

  3. Status (the third green bar) is also low at 63%, but most worryingly in the team someone has scored as low as 20%, suggesting a serious issue. With our Coach121 product you can of course view individual scores and start a discussion with that person(s).

  4. A final pointer - as a general view we suggest you look at both ends of the graph. If your 'Company and customers' and 'Personal performance' scores are both high (first two bars in the red Cognitive area) and your 'Meaning' score (final bar in the blue Confidence area) are high - then you have a great starting point. People understand your business, understand what is required of them, and get a feeling of meaning and purpose from the work they do. That's a great place to be!

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