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Library of additional survey questions

Browse our library of example questions to add to your WeThrive OR Pulse survey

Lauren Rolfe avatar
Written by Lauren Rolfe
Updated over 8 months ago

Need some help deciding what questions to ask your employees? We're here to help!

Question Types

There are 4 question types available:

  • Free-text - employees leave comments.

  • Sliding scale - scores of 0-10.

    • The 3 labels Strongly disagree/-/Strongly agree are automatically applied to the scale, but you can change these.

  • Multiple choice - choose multiple options from a pre-defined list.

  • Radio buttons - choose one option only from a pre-defined list.

We have organised the below questions by Topic and Question Type.

Example Questions


Sliding scale:

On a scale of 0-10 (10 being the highest), how likely would you be to recommend working here to friends and family? (0/5/10)

Hybrid / Flexible Working

Sliding scale:

  • I have all of the digital tools to perform my job where ever I am i.e. software. programs, internet etc. (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I have all of the physical tools to perform my job where ever I am i.e. laptop, chair, mouse. (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel connected with the rest of the business (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

Free text:

  • What additional (digital/physical) tools do you think you need?

  • What concerns you about hybrid working?

  • Do you feel not being in the office full time can hinder your development and progression?

  • What does the term 'flexible working' mean to you?

Radio buttons:

  • What would be your preferred working pattern? [Options- Job sharing/ Working from home/ Onsite/ Hybrid/ Part-time/ Flexitime/ Other]

Working from home

Sliding scale:

  • I am receiving regular contact from my manager whilst working from home (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel I am coping well working from home (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel able to concentrate and get things done (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I am able to switch off and disconnect from work (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • On a scale of 0-10 - 10 being the highest - how would you rate your happiness whilst working from home? (0/5/10)

Free text:

  • Is there anything limiting your ability to perform your role at home?

  • What do you think would make working from home easier?

Radio buttons:

  • How much of the time are you able to work undisturbed at home? [Options- Never/ Rarely/ Some of the time/ Most of the time/ All of the time]

Health & Wellbeing

Sliding scale:

  • How would you rate your current wellbeing? (Very poor/-/Excellent)

  • I have someone I can talk to about non-work related issues (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • When I feel overwhelmed or stressed, I feel I have support available (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • How would you rate your current happiness? (Very poor/-/Excellent)

  • How would you rate your work-life balance? (Very poor/-/Excellent)

  • [COMPANY NAME] demonstrates a commitment to the wellbeing of employees (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • [COMPANY NAME] takes mental health seriously and the business genuinely cares about the staff's mental health (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)


  • What's one thing we could do to improve your current wellbeing?

  • One thing the organisation could do to support me at this moment would be…

  • The three words that best describe how I am currently feeling are...

Multiple choice:

  • Please select 3 wellbeing initiatives that you find most valuable. [LIST WELLBEING INITIATIVES]

Teamwork, Communication & Management

Sliding scale:

  • I feel part of a team (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I have a good support network at work (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • My team inspires me to do my best at work (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • My skills are recognised and put into use appropriately and meaningfully (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel supported by management (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I trust management to keep me informed (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • On a scale of 0-10 - 10 being the highest - how would you rate the effectiveness of your 1-1’s at the moment? (0/5/10)

  • I am receiving enough feedback from my manager. (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I am receiving the right amount of communication from the company (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I am receiving the right amount of communication from my manager (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

Company Vision

Sliding scale:

  • I understand the strategic goals of the company and my contribution to its success (Strongly disagree/-/Strongly agree)

  • I have a clear understanding of what the business stands for (Strongly disagree/-/Strongly agree)

  • I have a clear understanding of the vision for the business (Strongly disagree/-/strongly agree)

  • I understand our vision and strategy at [COMPANY NAME] (Strongly disagree/-/strongly agree)

  • The purpose and mission of our company is inspiring (Strongly disagree/-/strongly agree)


Sliding scale:

  • How inclusive is our culture at [COMPANY NAME]? (Not Inclusive/-/Very Inclusive)

  • How satisfied are you with our company culture? (Very unsatisfied/Somewhat satisfied/Very satisfied)

  • I feel included in business and social activities at work (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel my individuality is accepted and valued (e.g. my personality, identity, background) (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I can voice my thoughts without worrying about the consequences (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • The senior leaders contribute to a positive work culture (Strongly disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • The company operates in a socially responsible manner (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • How clear are you on the direction the organisation is taking in the next year? (Not at all clear/-/Very clear)

Free text:

  • What can we do to improve our company culture?

  • What would make this company a better place to work?

  • What 3 words would you use to describe the culture at [COMPANY NAME]?

Psychological Safety

Sliding scale:

  • People at this organisation can bring up problems and tough issues (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • It is easy to discuss difficult issues and problems in my team (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • As a team, we are able to openly share mistakes and discuss ways to learn from them (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I won’t receive criticism if I admit to an error or mistake (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel comfortable raising any concerns I have about team plans or decisions (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I can voice my thoughts without worrying about the consequences (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • Members of my team feel comfortable raising concerns they have about team plans or decisions (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel safe sharing my ideas with the team (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel safe taking a risk in this organisation (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel comfortable taking a risk in my role (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • My ideas, opinions and perspectives are listened to and valued by the organisation/my manager/my colleagues (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • No one within the organisation would deliberately act in a way that undermines my efforts (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel safe bringing my whole self into work (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I have people at work who understand and support me (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • People are accepted for who they are within the organisation (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • Everyone is welcomed by the organisation (different personalities, identities, backgrounds etc) (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

Free Text:

  • How comfortable do you feel sharing your ideas and opinions with your team?

Radio Buttons:

  • Feedback is used constructively in my team/organisation

  • I am comfortable asking other colleagues for help

  • I feel comfortable asking my manager for help

  • My skills and talents are valued and utilised

  • I feel my individuality is accepted and valued (e.g. my personality, identity, background)

The above statements could include answer options of:

  • Never/ Rarely/ Some of the time/ Most of the time/ All of the time

  • Strongly disagree/ Disagree/ Neither agree not disagree/ Agree/ Strongly agree

Company Benefits

Sliding scale:

  • I believe that my salary is competitive with other companies (Strongly disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

Free text:

  • Are there any ideas/initiatives/benefits that you would like the company to consider?

Radio buttons:

  • Are you satisfied with the current benefits that the company offers, excluding your salary? [Options - Yes / No / Not sure]

Multiple choice:

  • Pick the top 3 benefits that you would like to see introduced at the organisation [LIST BENEFITS]

Values & Diversity

Sliding scale:

  • Thinking about diversity and equality, how would you rate [COMPANY NAME] as an inclusive business? (Not Inclusive/-/Very Inclusive)

  • I feel proud to work for [COMPANY NAME]? (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel the company listens to me and values my ideas (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel like my voice is heard at this company (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I feel the organisation is true to its values of diversity and inclusion (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • How much of the time do you believe the company lives up to it's core values? (Never/Sometimes/Always)

  • How much of the time do you believe employees live by our core values? (Never/Sometimes/Always)

  • I look forward to coming into work day to day (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I connect with the company values (Strongly disagree/-/Strongly Agree)


  • Do you have any additional thoughts or comments about how we can improve diversity & equality at [COMPANY NAME]?


Sliding scale:

  • I have all of the necessary resources, including equipment, to perform my job (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)


  • If you don't feel you have all of the resources you need, please tell us what extra resources would be useful to help you perform your job

Progression and Opportunities

Sliding scale:

  • I get fair and equal opportunities for development and promotions (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

Free text:

  • What would positive growth look like for you at [COMPANY] over the next few years?

  • What would you like to spend less time on?

  • What would you like to spend more time on?

Radio buttons:

  • Are you given opportunities to do more than just your job? [Options- Never/ Rarely/ Some of the time/ Most of the time/ All of the time]

Change Management

Sliding Scale:

  • I believe that organisational change benefits the business (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • Management informs us about changes before they are implemented (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • The changes align with our company's objectives (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • My manager supports the change (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I understand how the changes will impact me (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I am confident in my ability to implement the change (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I have been informed about how the changes will affect my team and me (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I can contribute towards this change (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I can seamlessly adapt myself to this change (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • I can improve my skill set with this change (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

Free Text:

  • How well do you understand the need of the change?

  • Is there sufficient transparency regarding changes in our organisation?

  • What should we stop doing, and what should we continue doing?

  • What aspect of the change would you like more clarification on?

  • What are your thoughts on the recent changes implemented?

Radio Buttons:

  • Were you informed of the company’s plan to implement a new business strategy? [Yes/No/Not sure]

  • Were you told about the major changes in the organisation? [Yes/No/Not sure]

  • The reasons for the changes are communicated effectively [Never/ Rarely/ Some of the time/ Most of the time / All the time]

  • Do you have a clear understanding of the change? [Yes/No/Not sure]

  • Do you think this change is necessary?[Yes/No/Not sure]

  • Do you think the change will be beneficial for your career aspiration? [Yes/No/Not sure]

Cost of Living Crisis specific

Sliding scale:

  • How concerned are you about the current cost of living? (Very Concerned/-/Not Concerned At All)

  • The cost of living crisis is impacting my financial stability. (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • My mental health has been negatively impacted by the rises in the cost of living. (Strongly disagree/-/Strongly Agree)

  • My financial situation is worse than last year. (Strongly Disagree/-/Strongly Agree)


  • The 3 words that best describe how I’m feeling about the cost of living are...

  • What do you think the organisation could do to support colleagues during the current cost of living?

  • Have you seen or heard about any ideas in other businesses that we could introduce to help with the cost of living?

  • If there was just one thing that the organisation could do to help you with the cost of living, what would that be?

Radio buttons:

  • Please rate how concerned you feel about food costs. [Options - Very concerned / Slightly concerned / Not concerned at all / Not sure]

  • Please rate how concerned you feel about travel costs. [Options - Very concerned / Slightly concerned / Not concerned at all / Not sure]

  • Please rate how concerned you feel about energy costs. [Options - Very concerned / Slightly concerned / Not concerned at all / Not sure]

  • Please rate how concerned you feel about debt. [Options - Very concerned / Slightly concerned / Not concerned at all / Not sure]

  • Please rate how concerned you feel about rent/mortgage payments. [Options - Very concerned / Slightly concerned / Not concerned at all / Not sure]

  • Is the cost of living crisis impacting your financial stability? [Options - Yes / No / Not sure]

  • Has your mental health been negatively impacted by the rises in the cost of living? [Options - Yes / No / Not sure]

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