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DEEI - 16 Survey Questions

View the 16 top-level questions asked in the Diversity, Equality, Equity & Inclusion Survey

Lauren Rolfe avatar
Written by Lauren Rolfe
Updated over 2 years ago

The WeThrive DEEI Survey is designed to focus on helping managers create workplace conditions with true diversity, equality, equity, and inclusion.

The DEEI Survey asks 16 top-level questions covering the 16 key areas (find out more about these here).

In the areas that people score lowest, the survey then asks a further set of more specific questions. This means each person gets a unique survey experience, and the resulting analysis is able to identify the highest causes of frustrations and recommend actions to help managers pinpoint which areas employees feel could use most improvement.

Each question is answered on a 0-10 scale moving from Strongly disagree (0) to Strongly agree (10).

Our 16 top level questions

  • Privacy - I feel comfortable choosing how much and with whom I discuss my private life.

  • Free from worry - I can voice my thoughts without worrying about the consequences.

  • Opportunities - I get fair and equal opportunities for development and promotions.

  • Achievement - My contribution is recognised and rewarded fairly.

  • Enablement - I get the training, tools and support that meet my needs.

  • Adjustments - My work arrangements and work environment support my personal circumstances and needs.

  • Utilisation - My skills are recognised and put into use appropriately and meaningfully.

  • Participation - I am invited to have a say in matters that affect me.

  • Contribution - I feel I am meaningfully contributing to my team and company goals.

  • Belonging - I feel included in business and social activities at work.

  • Being Heard - My ideas, opinions and perspectives are listened to and valued.

  • Support - I have people at work who understand and support me.

  • Safety - I feel safe bringing my whole self into work.

  • Respect - I feel respected for who I am and what I think.

  • Individuality - I feel my individuality is accepted and valued (e.g. my personality, identity, background).

  • Variety - My company welcomes a diverse range of individuals (e.g. different personalities, identities, backgrounds).

Example second level questions

If someone scores lowest in the Opportunities area, we'll ask them:

'What can be done to provide you with more equal and fairer opportunities?'

  • Give me development opportunities that support my personal circumstances and needs

  • Provide guidance in career development

  • Ensure fair promotion and application processes

In the Safety area we ask them:

'How could we help you feel safer in being your true self at work?'

  • Teach people how to be more understanding and tolerant towards each other’s differences

  • Company to have zero tolerance towards disrespect, discrimination, harassment, and bullying

  • Help me connect with people at work who understand, support, and have time for me

In the Variety area, we'll ask:

'What do you think would help improve diversity in the company?'

  • Everyone to better understand what diversity is and the benefits it brings

  • Company to hire more diverse people

  • Increase diversity at all levels of the company

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