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Thank employees for taking part in your survey

Use this email template to thank your employees for sharing feedback

Lauren Rolfe avatar
Written by Lauren Rolfe
Updated over a week ago

It is important that you thank employees who have taken time out of their busy day to share their valuable feedback. It is important to thank them and share next steps so that:

  • They remain involved in the process and with survey follow-up.

  • They can see their voice matters - they can have a positive impact on the work culture and environment.

  • They understand their results are being acknowledged and reviewed meaning it was worthwhile taking part.

So what's the best way to thank employees? Thanking employees in person is most effective - whether that be at your next all-hands meeting or next team meeting. But you can also follow this up with an email announcement.

Below is a template you can copy and personalise before sending to your team.

Hi XX,

We wanted to say a big thank you for those that took part in the most recent WeThrive survey - we had an impressive XX% response rate which is great start. Every voice in our organisation matters so we appreciate everyone who took time out of their day to share their feedback.

So what happens now?

First, we will be sharing a summary of the results with the Senior Management Team.

We will then share an overview with you all, including key areas to celebrate, which areas of work we need to focus on, and some key actions we’ll be taking at an organisation level.

Over the next couple of months, HR will be working with you and your managers to see how we can all improve and build on our successes. This will take place over a series of workshops to go over team results and set some objectives for the next couple of months.

Will there be another survey?

The next survey will be in XX months’ time, so our aim is to find some quick wins for improvement straight away and provide additional support where possible. By working together to implement small changes, the idea is to create a culture of continuous improvement that everyone contributes to.

Thank you again for sharing your feedback. It really helps to improve the business and everyone’s working experience.

Here are the companies key strengths!


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