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Peer to peer feedback - FAQs
Peer to peer feedback - FAQs

Frequently asked questions about peer to peer feedback

Lauren Rolfe avatar
Written by Lauren Rolfe
Updated over 11 months ago

What is covered in this article?

Frequently asked questions covering how Peer to Peer Feedback works.

Who is this article for?

All users

Can employees give feedback to their peers if they don't have a login setup?

No - employees must have a login in order to give any type of feedback to their peers.

Managers cannot request feedback from employees who do not have a login.

Can employees receive feedback from their peers if they don't have a login setup?

Yes - if an employee does not have a login but their peers do, their peers can give feedback to the employee.

As the employee won't be able to login, the feedback will be included in the email notification sent to the employee once the feedback has been shared with them. The email will have a subject line starting with 'CONFIDENTIAL'.

What happens when I request feedback from other people?

When you request feedback from other users, either about yourself or team members (if you're a manager), the feedback providers you have chosen will receive an email notification asking them to login and give their feedback by the due date you have set.

Can managers request feedback from other managers about their team members?

Yes - as long as both managers have logins, both managers can request and give feedback about each other's team members.

Any individual with a login can request feedback about themselves.

Those with manager logins can also request feedback about their team members from any other individuals with logins.

Can I send reminders to users I have requested feedback from?

Yes - to send reminders to individuals you're still waiting on feedback from, head to the Feedback page in the main menu, and find the feedback request you set up that is still 'pending'.

Tick the box against the request and a box will pop up at the bottom of the screen with a button to 'Send reminder(s)'. Click this button to send a reminder to the feedback provider selected.

What notifications do employee's receive when feedback has been shared with them?

The notification that the employee receives when feedback has been shared with them. is dependent on whether the employee has a login to WeThrive.

  • If the employee has a login - they will be sent an email notification to login and view the feedback online.

  • If the employee does not have a login - they will be sent an email notification with the feedback included in a 'CONFIDENTIAL' email.

The employee is only sent a notification if the feedback is visible to them.

Can employees view feedback given about them?

This depends on the type of feedback and the visibility settings:

Anytime feedback

Ad-hoc feedback (whether it be Recognition, Suggestions or General feedback) that is given using the 'Give feedback' button is always available to the employee.

Requested feedback from others (for managers)

When a manager requests feedback about their team members, they can

choose whether the feedback is made visible to the individual employee and manager, or just the manager, as shown below.

If it is visible to:

  • The manager AND individual - the individual employee can view the feedback either within their account or via email (if have no login).

  • The manager only - the individual cannot view the feedback.

Can employees view previous feedback they've given to their peers?

No - currently users are not able to see previous feedback they've given to their peers.

Once a user has given their feedback, it only becomes available to the recipients of the feedback (either the individual and their manager, or the manager only).

Can peer to peer feedback be added to 1:1 meeting agendas?

Yes - feedback received in the last 6 months will display within the 1:1 meeting agenda and can be added to the agenda.

If a piece of feedback has a locked padlock symbol against it as shown below, this means that the feedback is only visible within the manager's version of the agenda. Even when added to the agenda, the employee will not be able to view the feedback within their own version of the agenda, similarly to the hidden manager section.

Can I set up feedback requests for multiple team members at a time?

At the moment feedback requests can only be done on an individual basis. You must select one individual that you'd like others to give feedback on.

You can however select multiple feedback providers, meaning you can gather feedback about this individual from multiple employees.

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