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Manager-requested feedback
Manager-requested feedback

How managers can request and view feedback about their team members

Lauren Rolfe avatar
Written by Lauren Rolfe
Updated over 11 months ago

What is covered in this article?

How to request and view feedback about team members, and which users can see the feedback

Who is this article for?


Request feedback about a team member

To request feedback about your team member:

  1. Scroll down on your 'My Team' homepage to the Feedback widget and click Request to open a new modal.

  2. Enter your request details including:

    1. Title e.g. 'Q1 performance feedback', 'Collaboration with team members'.

    2. Description - give the users some prompts to help them understand what type of feedback you'd like from them.

    3. Regarding - tick the box Others. This means you're requesting feedback about other people rather than yourself.

    4. Individual - select the employee you'd like feedback on.

    5. Feedback providers - search and select all employees you'd like to give feedback.

    6. Visibility - choose whether to make the feedback visible to you and the individual employee, or select 'Visible to manager only' to restrict the individual's access to the feedback..

    7. Deadline - set a date for feedback providers to share their comments by.

  3. Click Send feedback requests. At this stage, email notifications are sent to all feedback providers with a link to login and give their feedback.

*Note: You cannot request feedback from employees who do not have logins to WeThrive.

View all feedback about your team members

Once you have requested feedback about your team members from other employees, you'll find all of your requests under Feedback > Team feedback. Here, you can view all pending and completed feedback.

Simply click View feedback against a particular row to expand the section and view the comments left.

All ad-hoc feedback given to your team members by their peers will also appear here.

From the Team feedback tab, you can search for, and filter, the list using the drop down options at the top of the table. For example, use the Status drop down to view only feedback that is still 'Pending'.

Send reminders to feedback providers you are waiting on feedback from

From the Team feedback tab, you can send email notifications to the feedback providers who have not yet provided the feedback requested.

Any feedback that has not been given yet will show as 'Pending' in the Date given column. You can also use the Status drop down at the top of the table to filter the table to view only pending feedback.

To send reminders to the feedback providers who have not given feedback yet:

  1. Tick the box against each individual you'd like to send a reminder to (reminders will be sent to the individuals listed in the Feedback from column).

    1. To send reminders for all pending feedback, tick the box next to Remind in the table to select all pending requests.

  2. Click Send reminder(s) at the bottom of the page. Email reminders will be sent to all feedback providers selected with a link to login and give their feedback.

Can the employee view the feedback I've requested about them?

Employees can only view the feedback you have requested about them from their peers if:

  • They have a WeThrive employee login set up.


  • When requesting the feedback, you chose to make it visible to the employee by ticking the Visible to the individual and manager box when selecting Visibility (see screenshot in the above section).

Can employees without a login still give feedback?

No - in order for an employee to give feedback, they must have a login to the WeThrive platform. Only once they are logged in can they give their feedback.

Can employees without a login still receive feedback?

Yes, but only if:

  • The manager has chosen to make the requested feedback visible to the individual and manager, as mentioned above.

  • Anytime feedback has been given to them using the 'Give feedback' feature.

How can employees without a login view the feedback?

When an employee does not have a login but feedback has been shared with them, the feedback will be sent to the employee directly via email.

The email will display the text 'CONFIDENTIAL' in the email subject line, and the email copy will include the details of the feedback including who it is from, the date given, title and comments left.

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