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Glossary of Terms

Understanding key information in WeTrack

Leoni Keogh avatar
Written by Leoni Keogh
Updated over a week ago

ACTION OWNER: This is the individual responsible for completing a particular Task.

ARCHIVE: A feature of WeTrack that allows information to be removed from the live section of WeTrack™ but remain saved so that it can be referred to (in case of audits, etc.) or switched back on at a later date, if required.

CALENDAR: One view that can be accessed from the sidebar to show Tasks in the system in the context of a Calendar. The default is for the Calendar to show Tasks by their start date but you can choose to show them by due date instead if you wish. There is also a calendar view available in the Readiness module.

CLOSED: A setting for when a Risk or Issue has been resolved. When a Risk is marked as closed, WeTrack will prompt the User to state why it has been closed.

DASHBOARD: A hub of the WeTrack system. The Dashboard provides a series of widgets to overview your project and task data in a more visual way. There are also dashboard views available in the Incidents and Readiness modules.

DEPENDENCY: A term used to describe that one Task requires another Task to, at least, be started before the first Task can be completed.

FILTER: The filters throughout WeTrack that allow you to refine the data you wish to view by a number of different parameters, such as Department, Project, Action Owner, etc.

GANTT CHART: A commonly used display that shows the order in which Tasks must be completed in order to complete Projects. Can also add dependencies through here if switched on and correct permissions are given.

ISSUE: A risk with a 100% likelihood of occurring.

LINKING (RISKS TO TASKS): A unique feature of WeTrack that joins items together, such as the Risks and Issues register with the Tasks. If you raise a Risk, it will have an impact on a Task. Select which Task each Risk is related to when creating the Risk or Issue using the Task picker.

NOTIFICATION CENTRE: Reachable through the Sidebar, the Notification Centre is where you view notifications and other updates pertaining to your work, in-app.

PRIORITY: The priority of a Task, Risk or Issue. This is an internal measure which some managers like to use with relation to their Projects, while others do not focus on it.

PROJECT: The Projects are components of larger events: they can be venues, in some cases, or other entities. Projects consist of multiple Tasks that must be completed. Once all Tasks for a particular Project have been marked blue, the Project is ready/complete.

PROJECT TAG/CATEGORY/TYPE: Methods of grouping Projects for large events, venues or organisations.

RAG (TASKS): The principal method for scoring a Task's progress. Values are Grey, Red, Amber, Green and Blue (not started, slipped, slipping, on track and complete, respectively).

RAG (RISKS AND ISSUES): The priority of a Risk, calculated automatically during Risk creation as impact and likelihood values are set. This is customisable by admin users in the Settings area.

RATING: Another term used to describe the RAG of a Task, Risk or Issue.

REPORTS: The term used to describe the varied and customisable visual outputs of data available in WeTrack. The Reports tab can be found on the Sidebar.

RISK: A situation that has the potential to have an undesirable effect on the Project. Different Risks will have different impacts (severity if not resolved) and different likelihoods (probability of occurring).

STATUS: The status of a Risk or Issue (open, closed or draft).

SUB-TASKS: The Sub-Tasks are constituent parts that together make up the objectives needed to be completed for a Task to be completed. When Sub-Tasks are rated they will combine and roll up to give the rating of the parent Task.

SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR (ADMIN): A setting on user profiles. Administrators are those with the best knowledge of WeTrack and should be able to help with any queries. They are also the only ones that can change fundamental parts of the system in the Settings area.

TASK: A top-level objective that must be completed in order for the Project to be ready/complete. Many Tasks will be scheduled in the planning of a Project.

UPDATE: A term used to describe where work was done, usually resulting in changes in the ratings/status of Tasks. They provide timestamps and groupings to changes in the system so users can see what changes have occurred, why and when. Users can also provide comments and @ mention other users to provide updates to tasks and projects.

USER: A normal User type. Users can be assigned to any number of Departments and Venues. Users can access most parts of WeTrack apart from the confidential Risks and some of the settings.

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