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Adding a New User

Creating a new user

Leoni Keogh avatar
Written by Leoni Keogh
Updated over a week ago

Users with the role of ‘User Admin’ can create new system users in the Settings area. Click on your avatar and navigate to Settings > Users & Departments > Users, and click 'Add' above the list of users. This will bring up the following modal.

NB. If you want to add new users in bulk, check out this article instead.

There are many fields available to control the personal details, roles and permissions of a new user. We recommend checking out our full article on User Permissions before creating any users.

The user modal will ask you for the following information:

  • First Name / Surname: First, enter the user's first name and surname as you would like them to appear in the system.

  • Email Address: Enter the email address that invitations, notifications, etc. from the WeTrack system can go to (usually company email address). This will also provide the user's login username. Every user in your system must have a unique email address.

  • Department: If necessary, you can assign a user to a department here. On the right hand side of the page you’ll be able to use this to restrict items the user can view or edit in the system.

  • Admin Roles: you can hover over the tool-tip to ‘Learn More’ about each of these options. Users can be assigned as ‘Account Admin’, ‘User Admin’, ‘Admin’, or ‘General User’.

  • Active User: This toggle at the top of the page determines whether or not a user is active within your team. Unticking this will prevent further action from this account. You can use this function to create all of your users and then only make them active once it's time for them to begin using WeTrack.

On the right hand side of the page you can control user permissions specific to each module that you are using in WeTrack. Follow the links for a dedicated support article for each module:

Finally, you can save the user, or save the user and send them an invite to the system. You can also send invites to multiple users at one time in the Users section of the Settings area.

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