Imports - Creating Users in bulk

Creating multiple users at a time

Leoni Keogh avatar
Written by Leoni Keogh
Updated over a week ago

WeTrack allows admin users to import user profiles in bulk by using one of the predefined templates found on the system. Click on your avatar in the bottom left-hand corner of any WeTrack page, and navigate to Settings > Imports & Exports > Import Manager.

Creating the Users

Once you are in the Import Manager, with "User" as the selected import type, you can download the Example Template. Save this to your computer and add the user information you require, including any permission settings. This is where you set up User permissions for the first time.

Learn all about the available User Permissions in this article. To select a permission for a user, write ‘TRUE’ in the requisite cell in the import template.

Importing the Users

Once you have entered information for all the new users, save the file and return to the same screen in the Import Manager, click ‘Upload File’ and locate the file on your computer. WeTrack will then map the columns in your spreadsheet against the relevant predefined fields in the system and verify if all the information is compatible. If there are any validation errors with the template, the system will inform you of them and give you the chance to fix them.

The system will inform you of how many new items will be created and whether there will be any files overwritten as a result of your import. If you are happy, click ‘Start Import’. The new users will be created in the system within fifteen minutes and you will receive an email to let you know that the import is complete.

NOTE: Remember to send these new users invitations to the system from the Users & Departments tab in Settings. You can select multiple users and send invites in bulk.

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