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Project Library Beta - FAQ

Answers to all your questions about Wipster's Project Library beta

Caspian Alderman avatar
Written by Caspian Alderman
Updated over a year ago

What are the dates for the Project Library beta?

The beta is scheduled to start on September 26. It will continue until we’re comfortable that everything is working the way we all want it to. Once we're completely happy with the whole experience, we'll remove the beta label!

Why go into beta?

Simple. We’d like your feedback. This is an area of the application that many of you rely on and we want to be sure the workflow works as well as possible.

What does the Project Library include?

The Project Library section of Wipster includes all of the following features & functions:

  • Switching between teams

  • Uploading media and managing uploads

  • Managing existing media and versions

  • Creating and managing folders

  • Searching for media files and folders

  • Sharing media or creating new reviews from the Project Library

What’s new in the beta?

Like with the previous beta, our main focus has been on modernizing the core functionality while incorporating as much customer feedback as possible. Look out for:

  • Consistent look and feel across media management and review tools’ UI, and smoother navigation between both

  • A streamlined experience which feels less cluttered and better organized

  • An improved upload experience so you can:

    • Track uploads and encodings in progress

    • Locate uploaded items more easily

  • Light and dark mode

  • Hiding and resizing the file tree to maximize real estate or view longer project names

  • Create multi-shares from assets that live in different folders

  • Easily manage all share links from one place ("Reviews" tab)

  • Masonry View (Great for teams working with images and media in non 16:9 format)

How do I join the beta?

It’s available to all Wipster team members using the app on desktop. To try it out, just click the “Try the Beta” button at the top of your home screen.

During the beta, you can change your default preference back to the legacy Media Library at any time by clicking the “Beta” button and choosing ‘Exit Beta’.

Can I use a mix of the legacy Media Library and the Beta?

Absolutely! Everything you do in the new Project Library is backwards compatible so mix and match to your heart's content.

What happens during the beta?

During the beta, we’ll be collecting as much feedback about the new Project Library from our users as possible. We’ll also be continuing to update the new Project Library with new features throughout that time period.

You said some features will come later?

Indeed! While the core capabilities are in place there are some things you’ll initially need to use the old version for. We’ll be working to add those over the course of the beta

  • Scrubbable thumbnails

  • Favoriting

  • Import from cloud

What happens once the beta ends?

After a successful beta, the new Project Library will become the default experience for all Wipster team members. At that time, the legacy Media Library may still be available for use for a limited amount of time.

How do I share my feedback with Wipster?

Please don’t hesitate to let us know what you think about the beta. You can get in touch with our team anytime through the chat feature in the app (Click your username, then select Help & Support), or by emailing

What’s next after this?

Our goal is nothing less than a complete overhaul of the entire Wipster experience so —as you can imagine— we’re tackling this in stages. In fact you’ve already seen some of them:

  • [x] Review tools for Reviewers

  • [x] Review tools for logged in Team Members

  • [x] iOS mobile app

  • [x] Project Library

  • [x] Review statuses (formerly known as Flow)

  • [ ] Account and subscription management

Of course, our intention is to make Wipster awesome on any device so any plans we have now will be influenced by the feedback you provide.

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