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Customizations and Inventory Management
Customizations and Inventory Management

T-shirt sizes, dietary preferences, or coffee roast levels

Joe Ahearn avatar
Written by Joe Ahearn
Updated over a week ago

Customization Settings

You can add customizations (like t-shirt sizes, dietary preferences, or coffee roast levels) for every item. Subscribers select an option during checkout and can update them at any time, and we'll generate orders for their option on your delivery schedule.

Name the customization you'd like customers to fill out, for example "T-shirt Size". or simply "T-shirt".

Then, write each option available in each option field, for example: Option: "Small", Option: "Medium", Option: "Large".

This panel is available for each subscription box, which you can edit in the Membership Tiers tab in the Withfriends app.

Inventory Management

To manage inventory for the customizations available in your subscription box, please read this more in-depth explanation for how our customizations and option infrastructure works.

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