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TEACHER-eAcademy Course Requirements and Checklist
TEACHER-eAcademy Course Requirements and Checklist

This article contains the eAcademy Course Requirements and Checklist

Sue Soltis avatar
Written by Sue Soltis
Updated over a week ago

Ensure your course gradebook displays four main grade categories for a year-long course or two main grade categories for a semester course and all graded items are placed in the correct grading category and grading period.

Ensure each of your course sections or topics equals an academic week, unless clearly stated otherwise.

Add a Course Introduction at the beginning of your course that includes the following items:

~ Your introduction: introduce yourself to your students (use text, audio, and/or video)

~ Course syllabus: course title, your name and WIU email address, course description, objectives, required student actions, strongly suggested actions, and course topic list

~ Student and grading expectations: expected behavior, attendance/participation requirements, digital citizenship policies, when work will be graded, if you accept late work, and an accommodation statement.

Include a weekly topic introduction with text and audio/video that describes the Big Idea, Essential Questions, and Objectives. Provide context for students and do not just list these items on the page.

Offer optional, whole-class 15-20-minute synchronous learning sessions each week via Zoom, Google Meets, or Microsoft Teams that are recorded and shared with students. While students are not required to attend, you are required to offer these sessions. Companion resource: Guidance for Synchronous Learning Sessions (opens in new tab).

Using the Seven Principles of Good Practice for Online Learning (opens in new tab), provide your own updated, relevant rigorous instruction and instructional-related materials each week utilizing Open Educational Resources (OER). You may supplement your content with relevant articles and videos. Do not rely solely on external materials.

Use only copyright-free materials and images in your course, or receive permission from the author, and provide proper attribution, where applicable.

Include a minimum of one interactive practice opportunity and one graded item per week; ensure all due dates are up to date throughout your course. Align graded items to your course objectives and select the correct grading category and grading period.

Provide detailed instructions on how to complete assessments, assignments, and discussions, and include the amount of time to complete these items in your description.

Provide two versions of uploaded files for accessibility (e.g., Google Doc, PDF file).

Ensure links to files and web pages are working and open in a new tab/window. Otherwise, students may accidentally exit the course when closing a file or web page.

Ensure spelling, grammar, and capitalization are correct throughout your course.

Keep your current and previously viewed topics and graded items visible to students. To control course pacing, you may only hide future topics and graded items.

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