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OEA-Logging into Genius and locating a student account
OEA-Logging into Genius and locating a student account

This article shows OEAs how to log into Genius and locate a student account

Sue Soltis avatar
Written by Sue Soltis
Updated over 2 months ago

Logging into Genius

Go to the eAcademy™ website ( and click eAcademy Users Login Here! or click Login from the top menu bar.

Click your own school district’s name.

Login: Enter your login name, which is your complete school district email address.

Password: If an account was created for you or you are also a teacher, enter the password that was emailed to you or provided to you by the eAcademy Help Desk. If you need help with your password, please submit a help desk ticket.

Click Sign me in. If you're also a teacher, you may have two roles in Genius; the default role is set to Teacher. If you're not a teacher, then you'll only have the OEA role.

For those with two roles (teacher and OEA), click the drop-down arrow next to Teacher at the top right of the page and select OEA - Online Education Advisor to change roles.

Genius Left Navigation Menu

Dashboard: From the Genius Dashboard, you can view the Watchlist, Teachers, Total Seats by Section, any notifications (e.g., uploaded IEPs, 504 plans, or messages), Enrollments by Grade, and Enrolled Students by Grade Level. The enrollment information is an overall snapshot of your school’s enrolled students. By hovering over a pie slice, you can see the number and percentage of students in a category.

Dashboard Example

Notifications: View any recently uploaded GIEPs, IEPs, or 504 Plans.

Go to LMS: Access one of our Learning Management Systems by clicking the computer icon.

Global Search: You can search for a student, teacher, or affiliation (your school district) using the Global Search function.

Better ways to locate students are described below.

Locating a Student's Account

Here are three ways to locate a student’s account.

Option 1: Type the student’s name in the Search box at the top right of the page and click the desired student’s name.

If the name is a common name, click view all to see the entire list and then make your selection to go to the student’s Main Page.

Option 2: From the top menu bar, click the Students link, which displays all students from the school district. You may need to navigate to other pages to locate the student.

When you locate the student’s name, click the name to go to the student’s Main Page.

Option 3: From the top menu bar, click the Students link.

From the left navigation menu, click Find Student to search all pages of students.

Enter part of the student’s first or last name in the search box. Wait for the student’s name to populate. Do not click Go yet.

Once the name(s) populate, click the desired student’s name.

Click Go. The student’s Main Page will appear.

Student’s Main Page

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