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Projects 101
Written by Don
Updated over a week ago

This is your one stop shop for projects. If you want more details about a specific topic, simply click the headers (pssst...they are hyperlinks) and you will be transported to another article ๐Ÿ‘ฝ. Let's get started!

What is a project?

In simplest terms, a project is a way to organize work. Projects in Workgroups DaVinci consist of a project hub, a list of tasks to be completed, proofs to be reviewed, supporting files, and project details to capture additional information about the work being done:

Creating a project in Workgroups DaVinci is a breeze. The only information you need to create a project is a project type (more on these in a bit), a project name, and a project owner. Boom! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

The project hub summarizes key information about a project including a description, project activity, tasks in progress, and the project team.

Projects must always have a project owner. Project owners have special superpowers (aka permissions) that other members of the project team do not have.

Tasks are the building blocks of a project. You can add as many tasks to a project as you would like, assign team members to tasks, and change the task status between Not Started, In Progress, Completed, and On Hold.ย 

You are always welcome to create standalone proofs in Workgroups DaVinci, but with Workgroups DaVinci Pro you also have the ability to associate a proof with a project!

The files tab in a project is where all project related assets can be uploaded and stored.

The Details tab in a project contains all of the information captured on the form during the project creation process (see Forms below). On this tab you are also able to update the project owners and project due date.ย 

The projects grid is accessed via the sidebar and provides a list view of all projects in Workgroups DaVinci. The list can be searched, sorted, and filtered to help you find and organize projects in the system.

Project types are the various types of work your team creates in Workgroups DaVinci (i.e. ads, social media posts). Project types can have associated task groups and forms to provide consistency across similar projects.

A task group is a saved list of tasks. task groups can be associated with project types to prevent your team from having to recreate the same tasks over and over again.

Customized forms are associated with project types. Users are prompted to fill out forms during the project request and project creation processes. The information captured on the form can be viewed under the Details tab in a project. ย 

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