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What is a Writable rubric?

Learn more about rubrics and how to use them in Writable.

Becky Mack avatar
Written by Becky Mack
Updated over a week ago

Rubrics in Writable set the grading criteria for an assignment and are the basis for feedback and scoring. A strong rubric helps students understand what is expected of them and guides them through their revision process. All reviewers will use the same rubric when leaving feedback, including teachers, peers, and self-reviewers.

In this article we'll take a look at the two types of rubrics on Writable and how they are used in assignments.

Rubrics in Extended Responses

Extended Responses provide students with one area to write their responses and are commonly used for essays and longer composition writing. These sections must be linked to at least one rubric item but are frequently created with multiple rubric items.

In the student view, the rubric will be shown on the right side of the screen. If the assignment includes a reading, students will need to click 'Check & Submit' to see the rubric.

While reviewing students and teachers will see the same rubric on the right side of the screen, along with proficiency levels for scoring and the option to leave comments and feedback.

Rubrics for Short Responses

Short Response questions and assignments are typically scored by a single rubric checklist. These questions include graphic organizers, multiple-choice, and open-ended short responses. High 5 Quick Writes are also considered Short Responses and are tied to a single writing skill. These simplified checklists provide a quick grading experience from Guide/Grade on the Assignment Dashboard.

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