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Google Classroom & Writable
Getting Started with Google Classroom
Getting Started with Google Classroom

Writable works with Google Classroom without any required configuration.

Updated over a week ago

Here are a few things you can do by linking your Google Classroom with Writable.

  • Teachers: Import your Google Classroom courses inside Writable in the 'Classes' page.

  • Students: Find assignments directly in the Classroom stream.

  • All: Assignment statuses (Assigned, Turned in, Graded) and grades sync from Writable to Classroom. Everything stays in sync!

  • Optional: Do your students already enjoy using Google Docs? You can embed a Google Doc inside any Writable assignment. Students can go full-screen in their Google Doc and use Google's built-in tools such as voice-to-text, word count, and more. (Note: This feature is not recommended for students using iPads.)

Check out this video to learn more about how Writable and Google Classroom work together!

🔍 Looking for more? Check out these recommended readings next, or browse all of our Google Docs articles and Google Classroom articles.

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