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How do I edit assignment section weights?

Adjust how much each section in an assignment counts towards the overall grade with these directions.

Kelly Burnette avatar
Written by Kelly Burnette
Updated over a week ago

In multi-section assignments on Writable, teachers can adjust the weight of each of the sections. For example, if an assignment has a "Plan" section and a "Draft" section you can adjust the weight to only give a grade for the written draft submission.

Follow these steps to make a section worth more or less in the overall grade.

1. Go to 'My Assignments' and click on the assignment you want to edit. Then click the 'Edit' button.

2. Scroll to the sections of the assignment. Then, click the scale icon.

3. Adjust the weights for each of the sections. Percentages will calculate automatically to equal a total of 100%. Click 'Save' when you have set your weights.

In the example above, the "Reflection" section will not be counted in the students' final grades, while the "Plan" is worth 25% of their final score and the "Draft" is worth 75% of their grade.

Note: Even if a section is weighted as "0" students can still receive feedback from teachers and peers.

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