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What's Next? Explore and Create Assignments

Now that teachers have created accounts learn how to support them as they move to the next stage in Writable.

Kara Gann avatar
Written by Kara Gann
Updated over 3 years ago

Understand how to Explore and Create Assignments

Congratulations on getting teachers to create accounts, as this is the first step in starting to use Writable. Some teachers may have created accounts during training but don’t have a clear direction on what’s next. Others may be thinking of using Writable with their students but haven’t had time to select an assignment. While reviewing the data, you may find that some individuals haven’t even started their Writable Journey. Let’s consider some ways to get your team moving forward.

Understand the Why of Writable

As a leader, have you provided clarity of expectations for your teachers? If not, here are some ideas to consider why teachers should be using Writable.

  • Align to a state or custom rubric

  • Support for core curriculum

  • Administer genre, skill, or standard specific assessments during beginning, mid, and end of the year to monitor growth

  • Daily practice to foster writing growth

  • Integrate reading and writing instruction and assessment across all content areas

  • Administer consistent writing tasks that align with unit goals

  • Provide summative assessment practice

  • Leverage assignment and assessment rubrics to determine students strengths and areas of need as writers

  • Close district-wide instructional gaps

  • Engage in team grading on shared assignments to facilitate consistent grading practices

Considerations for Your District or School


Here is a sample email that you may want to share about why Writable is beneficial, how teachers can create assignments and start using Writable with students. Tip! If teachers are expected to use common district writing assignments or assessments, consider including directions, Guiding Teachers to use 'My District' to find assignments in the My District section.

Dear XXX,

Writable is a school/district purchased platform designed to help you take writing to the next level. Writable was purchased so that we could [insert goal here]. In reviewing the data from the Writable platform, I can see that you were able to create an account in Writable but have not selected an assignment that can be used in your classroom. Writable has several assignments that can be used in your classroom. Here is a link, How to Browse and Choose Assignments, to help you navigate the platform. If you cannot find an assignment that supports your teaching, Writable also allows you to build your own Assignment using the assignment wizard. Create an Assignment Under 1 Minute in Writable. I’d like to see you using Writable with your students by XXX and look forward to hearing your feedback on how it’s going.


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