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How to set up an API in Xano to receive a Webhook from an external source

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Written by Xano Support
Updated over a week ago

Webhooks are a simple way that an app can send an automatic message or payload of information to another app. It's the method that Stripe might use to notify you when a payment has come in, or how a support bot like Intercom notifies you about new requests in your Slack.

Simply put, Webhooks are ways for your online accounts to "speak" to one another and get notified automatically when something new happens. You'll need to know how to use webhooks if you want to automatically push data from one app to another.

How to set up an API endpoint to be a Webhook

Webhooks always use the POST API Verb since the other services are "Sending/Posting Data" to your Webhook endpoint. In order to receive the response from a webhook, the very first function in your Function stack should be Get All Input as shown below.

How do I preview the response from a Webhook?

We're currently developing a logging feature that will allow you to preview incoming requests including webhooks, but in the meantime, you can use . It will give you a temporary API endpoint that you can use as your Webhook destination and it will show you the response when it's hit. You can see it being used in the video below (2m10s).

A practical example of how to use a Webhook with Webflow

This is an older example before we had the Get All Input function, but as an example, here's a video of how you use Webhooks to send a contact form response from Webflow to your Xano Database

***Update to getting the Webhook Response in the video below You can Now view API Webhook history in Xano. You no longer need to use***

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